New releases
Dagstukkies vir die moeë siel: In die teenwoordigheid van die Allerhoogste deur Stephan Joubert is nou beskikbaar
LUCA stel bekend: In die teenwoordigheid van die Allerhoogste deur Stephan Joubert. Jou jaar van geestelike groei begin nou!
Find out more about Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture by Gaiutra Bahadur
161 years ago, on 16 November 1860, the SS Truro that sailed from Madras carrying the first 342 indentured Indian labourers arrived in Port Natal (present-day Durban).
Liefde versit berge in vier nuwe Romanzas!
Nuut by LAPA – Potlode en pinotage deur Louise van der Merwe, ’n Tweedehandse lewe deur Didi Potgieter, Liefde vir ’n middelkind deur Kristel Loots en ’n Fiets vir twee deur Ilse Beukes.
Don’t miss the launch and panel discussion of Fighting and Writing: The Rhodesian Army at War and Postwar by Luise White (25 Nov)
WiSER invite you to the launch of Fighting and Writing: The Rhodesian Army at War and Postwar by Luise White.
2021 Sol Plaatje European Union Poetry Award and Anthology shortlist announced
The shortlist for the 2021 Sol Plaatje European Union Poetry Award and Anthology has been announced!
Out now! Crossroads – the highly anticipated new novel from Jonathan Franzen
Crossroads, the new novel by Jonathan Franzen, is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.
The Master – the story of Roger Federer’s life and career on both an intimate and grand scale
The Master: The Brilliant Career of Roger Federer by Christopher Clarey is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.
Hoe kan jy vandag nog die beste weergawe van jouself wees? Vind uit in Leandie du Randt: My Hacks vir die Lewe
Leandie du Randt deel haar hacks vir die lewe: ‘As jy ooit voel die wêreld is teen jou omdat jy JY is – blok en bless, sister – moenie jou daaraan steur nie.’
Gom vir jou stukkende wêreld deur Jan Vermeulen: Hulpmiddels vir tieners om trauma en verwarring te oorkom
5 belangrike Bybelse waarhede vir tieners in Gom vir jou stukkende wêreld deur Jan Vermeulen – nou beskikbaar by LUCA!
‘Ons sal altyd alles slegs ten dele ken’: Spieëltjie, spieëltjie deur Jan Vermeulen is nou beskikbaar!
Wie is besig om die meisies van Elegant Queens Academy te vermoor? Vind uit in Spieëltjie, spieëltjie, Jan Vermeulen se jongste misdaadroman!
Vergeet van reëls – hier is vier nuwe Romanzas om te verslind!
Nuut by LAPA – Vergeet van reëls deur Dina Botha, Oorbegin deur Marilé Cloete, Liefde vir ‘n feniks deur Ciska Olivier en As jy my wil hê deur Annarie Linde.
A Short History of Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce – the myths surrounding the world’s favourite dish, debunked
A Short History of Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce by Massimo Montanari is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers!
You know your dog is the cutest but does everyone else know it too? Find out How To Make Your Dog #Famous
In How To Make Your Dog #Famous: A Guide to Social Media and Beyond, Loni Edwards, the human behind the world’s most influential pets, breaks down the path to fame.
New book alert! Christopher, the debut novel by Nozuko Siyotula, second runner-up in the 2020 Dinaane Award
Christopher by Nozuko Siyotula, second runner-up in the 2020 Dinaane Debut Fiction Award, is now available for pre-order from Jacana Media.
’n Hart is net atome deur Cecilia Steyn – ’n skreeusnaakse grafiese roman vir jonk en oud
’n Hart is net atome is ’n fantastiese grafiese roman deur geliefde jeugboekskrywer Cecilia Steyn en illustreerder Danielle Albertyn.
‘Food that reminds you of a special place that’s home’ – watch the virtual launch of Hosting With The Lazy Makoti
Mogau Seshoene recently launched her brand new cookbook Hosting With The Lazy Makoti!
New book alert! History of South Africa – Thula Simpson explores the tumultuous journey from the Second Anglo-Boer War to the Covid-19 pandemic
Thula Simpson’s new book History of South Africa is out now from Penguin Random House SA.
New book alert! The highly anticipated Hosting With The Lazy Makoti: A Celebration of Food is out now
Hosting With The Lazy Makoti: A Celebration of Food – the highly anticipated new cookbook from South Africa’s award-winning and bestselling cookbook author and chef. Out now!