New releases

Bederftyd die Kerstyd … Vind weer liefde in vier splinternuwe Romanzas!

Vul jou kerskous met vier pragtige liefdesverhale deur Elsa Winckler, Madelie Human, Dina Botha en Rina Cilliers – nou beskikbaar by LAPA Uitgewers! 

New book alert! Dawnlands by Philippa Gregory – in a divided country, power and loyalty conquer all

Dawnlands – the new historical novel from Philippa Gregory, the number one bestselling author of Tidelands and Dark Tides.

Mzala: A revolutionary prince of the people – The Lost Prince of the ANC by Mandla J Radebe

The Lost Prince of the ANC: The Life and Times of Jabulani Nobleman ‘Mzala’ Nxumalo by Mandla J Radebe is out in December from Jacana Media.

Perfek vir onderwysers en leerders … Tyd is ’n b**ksem en ander belaglik lekker tekste deur Marieta Nel is nou beskikbaar by LAPA!

Tyd is ’n b**ksem en ander belaglik lekker tekste – Marieta Nel se jongste hoërskool-studiegids – is perfek vir beide huistaal en eerste-addisioneletaal sprekers.

Bederf jouself … Prop Carmen Niehaus se nuutste kookbook Lekker en goed vandag nog in jou kerskous!

Lekker & goed: Heerlike kos propvol heilsaamheid is Carmen Niehaus se nuutste kookbook nadat sy reeds meer as 20 kookboeke uitgegee het.

‘The book Donald Trump fears the most’: Confidence Man by Maggie Haberman – a book filled with shocking revelations about the man in question

Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America by Maggie Haberman is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

New book alert! In My Life: Stories From Young Activists in South Africa 2002–2022 (Plus: Book launch details)

In My Life: Stories From Young Activists 2002–2022 is forthcoming in December from Jacana Media.

Kom luister na Sunel Combrinck se voorlesing uit haar debuutverhaal, Hartklop, by Bargain Books Rustenburg! (3 Des)

LAPA Uitgewers en Bargain Books nooi jou graag na ‘n voorlesing uit Sunel Combrinck se debuutverhaal, Hartklop: Die ontwaking van winter. 

Listen to Graham Norton reading an excerpt from his tense and darkly comic new novel Forever Home

Listen to an excerpt from Forever Home, the new novel from Graham Norton, read by the author!

Die verdwyning van Seamus Smit deur Seamus Smit (eintlik deur Nerine Ahlers) is nou beskikbaar by LAPA!

‘Toe Seamus wakker word, is sy bene weg. Hulle het net verdwyn.’ Die verdwyning van Seamus Smit deur Seamus Smit – naaswenner in LAPA se 2021 Jeugromankompetisie – is nou op die rakke!

Nou beskikbaar by LAPA! Uitverkies deur Noreen Nolte … naaswenner van die LAPA Jeugromankompetisie in 2021/22

Net betyds vir Kersfees – Noreen Nolte se distopiese jeugroman, Uitverkies, is nou beskikbaar by LAPA Uitgewers!

Great British Bake Off judge Prue Leith will be coming to South Africa in January 2023!

Prue Leith will be visiting South Africa in early 2023 to promote her latest book Bliss on Toast!

Between Starshine and Clay – a series of incisive and intimate encounters between Sarah Ladipo Manyika and the most distinguished Black thinkers of our times

Between Starshine and Clay: Conversations from the African Diaspora by Sarah Ladipo Manyika is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Best of Friends – the new novel from Kamila Shamsie, winner of the Women’s Prize for Fiction

Best of Friends by Kamila Shamsie is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Lief vir die natuur? Wen ’n Volledige Gids tot die Slange van Suider-Afrika deur Johan Marais! Neem deel voor 30 Nov

Aandag, alle slangliefhebbers … Een gelukkige leser kan die maand wegstap met ’n kopie van ’n Volledige Gids tot die Slange van Suider-Afrika deur Johan Marais!

Hoe gemaak wanneer jy filmstudie as ’n genre in jou klas moet behandel? Vind uit in Druk speel deur Leon van Nierop

Druk speel: ’n Filmstudiegids vir die klaskamer deur Leon van Nierop is spesiaal geskryf om onderwysers te help om die hoe en wat van filmanalise beter te kan verstaan.

Read an excerpt from No Plan B – the unputdownable new Jack Reacher thriller from bestselling authors Lee Child and Andrew Child

Jack Reacher, ‘the coolest continuing series character’ (Stephen King), returns in No Plan B – the brand new, pulse-pounding read from Lee and Andrew Child.

Hi teachers – My Word! Ideas for Creating a Writing Culture in the Classroom by Thérèse Hulme is out now

My Word! tells the stories of Thérèse Hulme and the young people she’s worked with over the last 17 years. ‘This book has the potential to change the world’ – Hunter Kennedy, Die Heuwels Fantasties and Fokofpolisiekar

Kom reis en kook vir oulaas saam met Aleit Swanepoel in AleitApteit – nou beskikbaar by LAPA Uitgewers

AleitApteit is ’n boek gevul met stories van die geliefde Aleit Swanepoel… Kom beleef saam die nostalgie, sy spesiale menswees en die heerlike kos soos net hy dit kon maak.

Who I Am by Melanie C – from small-town girl to overnight Spice Girls icon

Who I Am – for the first time ever, Melanie C, aka Sporty Spice, tells her amazing life story in her own words and gives a full and honest account of what life was really like in The Spice Girls.