New releases

Find out more about The Lion’s Binding Oath and Other Stories by Somali author Ahmed Ismail Yusuf

The Lion’s Binding Oath and Other Stories by Somali author Ahmed Ismail Yusuf is available now from LAPA Publishers.

Join award-winning author Craig Higginson for the launch of his new novel The Book of Gifts at Love Books (10 Mar)

Pan Macmillan and Love Books invite you to the launch of The Book of Gifts by Craig Higginson.

Was Cuito Cuanavale ever really an objective of the SADF? Leopold Scholtz tackles this question by examining recently declassified documents

The SADF and Cuito Cuanavale: A Tactical and Strategic Analysis by Leopold Scholtz is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Cover reveal! Changing a Leopard’s Spots – a ‘fantastic, fast-paced adventure and a story of brotherhood’

Changing a Leopard’s Spots, the story of world-renowned wildlife trackers Alex van den Heever and Renias Mhlongo, is out from Pan Macmillan in March!

Nuut by LAPA: Corali, die finale boek in Chanette Paul se Vywervrou-trilogie (Plus: video)

Nuut by LAPA: Corali is die derde deel van die Vywervrou-trilogie wat gaan oor vroue en mans wat hulle lewenslesse op die moeilike manier leer, maar nie moed opgee nie.

New book alert! The Eyes of the Naked, the debut novel by Litha Hermanus

Amid the chaos, he’d fled on foot from the crime scene. He ran under the cover of night, his escape aided by a series of broken street lamps. He’d come away with nothing save the clothes on his back – and now his son.

LAPA en Lizz Meiring stel bekend: Soete sonde, ’n versameling stories oor die verleidelikste ding op aarde – sjokolade

In Soete sonde ondersoek bekende skrywers en nuwe stemme die tekstuur van sjokolade in al sy heerlike vorme – van lewensredder tot moordwapen.

Cover reveal! Mark Winkler’s forthcoming novel, Due South of Copenhagen

Due South of Copenhagen, the new novel from Mark Winkler, will be out from Umuzi in April! Due South of Copenhagen is …

The God Child by Nana Oforiatta Ayim – a coming-of-age story about a young girl finding her freedom in the midst of familial, cultural and political constraints

The God Child, the debut novel by Ghanaian writer Nana Oforiatta Ayim, is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Reggie and Me, a James Hendry novel about a young South African who hasn’t learnt the rules

James Hendry – the bestselling author of A Year in the Wild and Back to the Bush – has a new novel out from Pan Macmillan this month! 

Field Guide to Butterflies of South Africa – An invaluable guide that will appeal to professional entomologists, gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike

This lavishly illustrated popular guide includes newly described species and subspecies, and the most recent taxonomic changes based on DNA studies.

A story of shocking setbacks and overcoming adversity through sheer willpower – Dream of a Lifetime: Crossing Antarctica by Mike Horn

Dream of a Lifetime: Crossing Antarctica by Mike Horn is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

New from Petina Gappah: Out of Darkness, Shining Light – A radical novel that resurrects the voices of those in the shadows of history

The hotly anticipated second novel by Petina Gappah follows the epic journey of Dr Livingstone’s corpse through 19th-century Africa.

Die afloerder deur Anel Heydenrych: ’n sielkundige riller so koud en donker as kan kom

Iemand loer vanuit die skadus in Anel Heydenrych se jongste roman, Die afloerder.

Geen engel nie deur Andre Kruger – ‘n aangrypende roman oor familie, verraad en wraak

In André Krüger se aangrypende roman oor familie, verraad en wraak – geskryf in die taal van die straat en die tyd – voer een man ’n uiterste stryd teen sy lotsbestemming.

For fans of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Janice Hadlow’s The Other Bennet Sister tells Mary’s story …

It is a sad fact of life that if a young woman is unlucky enough to come into the world without expectations, she had better do all she can to ensure she is born beautiful. To be handsome and poor is misfortune enough; but to be both plain and penniless is a hard fate indeed.

Acid for the Children – the autobiography of Flea, the Red Hot Chili Peppers legend – as raw, entertaining and wildly unpredictable as its author

In Acid for the Children Flea, the iconic bassist and co-founder of the immortal Red Hot Chili Peppers, finally tells his fascinating origin story, complete with all the dizzying highs and the gutter lows you’d expect from an LA street rat turned world-famous rock star.

Kiley Reid’s debut novel Such a Fun Age – a powerful story about race and privilege by a new literary star

Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid, ‘the most provocative page-turner of 2020’, will be available in South Africa in February!

Is a Bigfoot-like being living in the Knysna forest? Find out more about the South African cryptid, the otang

Beyond the Secret Elephants: Of Mystery, Elephants and Discovery, Gareth Patterson’s long-awaited sequel to The Secret Elephants, is out now from Tracey McDonald Publishers.

New book alert! How to Raise a Man: The Modern Mother’s Guide to Parenting her Teenage Son by Megan de Beyer

In this era of #MeToo and #AllMenAreTrash, it’s evident that something is going wrong with the way men progress from childhood into adulthood, and few realise how critical the role of the purposeful and emotionally empowered mother is in a boy’s journey to maturity.