New releases

Cover reveal! Iman Rappetti’s new book Sermons of Soul will be published in August by Pan Macmillan

Sermons of Soul, the new book from Iman Rappetti, will be out in August from Pan Macmillan!

New book alert! South Africa Beyond Covid-19: Trends, Change and Recovery – a collection of 30 essays by analysts and experts

South Africa Beyond Covid-19: Trends, Change and Recovery – a collection of 30 essays by some of the country’s foremost analysts and experts – is out now as an ebook from Jonathan Ball Publishers!

Elephants: Birth, Death and Family in the Lives of the Giants – a lyrically written account of several years of research by Hannah Mumby

Elephants: Birth, Death and Family in the Lives of the Giants by Hannah Mumby is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Kevin Kwan, the iconic author of the bestselling phenomenon Crazy Rich Asians, returns with the first novel in his new Cities trilogy

Penguin Random House is excited to be publishing the sensational Sex and Vanity in July — the brand new book from iconic Crazy Rich Asians author Kevin Kwan.

A Woman Makes a Plan – in her compelling memoir Maye Musk shares hard-earned wisdom and frank, practical advice on career, health and more

A Woman Makes a Plan: Advice for a Lifetime of Adventure, Beauty, and Success by Maye Musk is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers!

Describing the lived experiences of those with mental illness: Watch the book trailer for Sean Baumann’s new book Madness: Stories of Uncertainty and Hope

With sensitivity and empathy, Dr Sean Baumann’s enquiries into the territories of art, psychology, consciousness, otherness, free will and theories of the self reveal how mental illness raises questions that affect us all.

Teach your child about diversity with the new rhyming picture book I Have Brown Skin and Curly Hair

I Have Brown Skin and Curly Hair by Karen Theunissen is out now from Jacana Media!

Hou jou kinders besig en nuuskierig met Fanie Viljoen se splinternuwe reeks klein boekies met baie inligting

Het jy geweet muskiete is van die dodelikste diere op aarde, piesangs is radioaktief en jou vingers het glad nie spiere nie? Hou die kinders besig met Fanie Viljoen se nuwe reeks klein boekies propvol feite vir jong lesers.

A Conspiracy of Bones – Kathy Reichs is at the top of her game in her 19th Temperance Brennan thriller

A Conspiracy of Bones – bestselling author Kathy Reichs returns with her 19th riveting novel featuring forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan!

Bestselling author Sophie Kinsella to release an irresistible new standalone novel in October 2020

Penguin Random House is delighted to announce a new Sophie Kinsella novel for October 2020: Love Your Life.

Ontdek die ster in jou anderster kind in Help! My kind is anders deur Christien Neser, nou as e-boek beskikbaar

Nou beskikbaar as e-boek by LAPA Uitgewers: Help! My kind is anders deur Christien Neser.

Find out more about Buried – the first in an exciting new series by Lynda La Plante

Buried – the first book in a brand new thriller series by the Queen of Crime Drama, Lynda La Plante – is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

’n Jong, roekelose joernalis ondersoek die moord op ’n regter in Malene Breytenbach se nuwe spanningsverhaal, Skadumagte

Is jy reg vir Malene Breytenbach se nuwe spanningsverhaal? Skadumagte is nou beskikbaar by LAPA as e-boek

The Silent Treatment by Abbie Greaves – an original and moving debut novel from a talented new voice

Frank hasn’t spoken to his wife Maggie for six months. Is this where their story ends? Or where it begins?

Sielskos vir moeë, ingeperkte mense: ’n Huis vir altyd deur Cecilia Nortjé

Milan se lewe is ’n gemors: Haar man is oorlede; sy is vir die eerste keer in haar lewe arm, en haar enigste besitting is ’n vervalle huis op Vaalkrans. Lees haar storie in ’n Huis vir altyd deur Cecilia Nortjé – nou by LAPA beskikbaar as e-boek.

Fight Like a Girl – the Young Adult fiction debut from award-winning author Sheena Kamal

Fight Like a Girl – award-winning thriller writer Sheena Kamal delivers a kick-ass debut YA novel that will have fans crying out for more.

Poppie is uit die kerk, maar die kerk is nie uit haar nie: Die opstand van Poppie Nel deur Hans du Plessis, nuut by LAPA

Só ontvou Poppie se verhaal in Die opstand van Poppie Nel. Sy vertel vir Dominee Lukas van ‘n pastoor wat openbarings kry, hoe die pastoor haar misbruik en hoe haar gesin, veral haar ma, medepligtig is.

Cover reveal! Find out more about Jodi Picoult’s forthcoming novel The Book of Two Ways

Do we make choices … or do our choices make us? And who would you be if you hadn’t turned out to be the person you are right now?

Firewatching – the first book in a new police procedural series by Russ Thomas – a ‘red hot debut for 2020’

Firewatching, the debut novel from Russ Thomas, is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Vier nuwe Romanzas deur Marilé Cloete, Alma Carstens, Renda de Waal-Fourie en Louise van der Merwe – nou as e-boek beskikbaar!

Nuut by LAPA Uitgewers – vier nuwe Romanzas om die koue weg te lees. Al hierdie romanses sal later ook as papierboek in die winkels beskikbaar wees.