
Nuwe voorraad beskikbaar! Huiskos deur Herman Lensing is weer op die rakke (Plus, luister na ‘n onderhoud op YouTube)
Huiskos deur Herman Lensing is so gewild – dit vlieg skoon van die rakke af! Die nuutste herdruk is nou beskikbaar.

[Video] Leandie du Randt gesels oor My Hacks vir die Lewe: ‘Moenie iets doen waarvan jy nie hou nie’
Hoe kry Leandie du Randt – aktrise, entrepreneur, model, skrywer, stemkunstenaar en publieke figuur – dit reg om soveel te doen? Kyk na die video om uit te vind.

Video: Leon van Nierop gesels oor sy ‘snoesige whodunnit’ wat afspeel in die bos, Moord op Lake Panic
Johan Allers van Alles Afrikaans het onlangs met Leon van Nierop gesels oor sy jongste roman, Moord op Lake Panic.

Na ’n plaas in Afrika deur Irma Joubert is nou ‘n oudioboek! Luister na ’n voorsmaak gelees deur Anton Brink
Irma is beslis die gewildste en mees geliefde skrywer van Afrikaanse historiese fiksie. En nou kan jy na Na ’n plaas in Afrika luister!

Video: Braai your own Brandy-marinated Prawns from Mynie Plays with Fire (Plus: a free lesson on how to devein a prawn!)
Watch Mynie Steffens demonstrate how to braai Brandy-marinated Prawns from her latest cookbook, Mynie Plays with Fire.

Pitkos vir kinders en grootmense in Briewe van Mieliepit deur Fanie Viljoen – die heel eerste kinderboek uit LUCA se stal
Nou beskikbaar! Briewe van Mieliepit uit die pen van geliefde kinderboekskrywer Fanie Viljoen, en pragtig geïllustreer deur Megan Bird.

Virtual book discussion: Watch Senzeni Ndebele in conversation with Sue Nyathi about her hot new book A Family Affair
Late last year, Senzeni Ndebele chatted to Sue Nyathi about her new book A Family Affair.

Emmanuel Acho introduces his new book, Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man
Former NFL linebacker Emmanuel Acho started an online series to give white people a non-judgmental space to ask questions about race and racism.

[Video] How to get published in South Africa – Watch Pan Macmillan SA and All About Writing’s publishing webinar
Did you miss the webinar by Pan Macmillan South Africa and All About Writing on how to understand and navigate the publishing industry? Watch the video for everything you want to know about publishing in South Africa.

Lokprent: Nagjagter deur Jan Vermeulen is binnekort beskikbaar by jou naaste boekwinkel
Port Elizabeth is die Mekka van Goth-vampiere in Suid-Afrika, skryf Jan Vermeulen in sy jongste roman, Nagjagter. Kyk na die lokprent, as jy dit sal waag.

‘That’s worse than war.’ Find out what it was like to live in and to live through a time of plague, with Howard Phillips
Watch Howard Phillips discussing the moving and fascinating memories of survivors of the last great plague in South Africa, the ‘Spanish’ flu of 1918.

Hoe verander geheimhouding jou psige? André Krüger gesels oor ’n Redelike hoeveelheid moeilikheid (Video)
Video: André Krüger gesels oor sy jongste spanningsverhaal, ‘n Redelike hoeveelheid moeilikheid, ‘n plaaslike spioenasie wipplankrit.

Footnotes, August 2019: Book links from around the web
At The Reading List, we’re trainspotters when it comes to interesting book links, and here are a number that caught our eye over the last month. Browse and enjoy!

Video: Does the ‘Stellenbosch Mafia’ really exist and how much power do they wield over South Africa?
In this video, author and News24 assistant editor for in-depth news Pieter du Toit unpacks his book, The Stellenbosch Mafia: Inside the Billionaires’ Club.

‘My whiteness saved my life that day’ – Bradley Steyn, author of Undercover with Mandela’s Spies, describes the massacre that changed his life
Bradley D Steyn spoke to Polity SA recently about his book Undercover with Mandela’s Spies: The Story of The Boy Who Crossed the Square.

‘I am a South African-based, African writer’—Watch a video interview with Nthikeng Mohlele on his latest novel Illumination
Nthikeng Mohlele chatted to Africa’s Lit recently about his latest novel, Illumination.

‘The best way to understand a country’s history is through the lives of its people’ – Watch a video interview with Bill Nasson on Illuminating Lives
Bill Nasson explores the people at the heart of his and Vivian Bickford-Smith’s collection of biographical essays, Illuminating Lives: Biographies of Fascinating People from South African History.

Watch: Phumlani Pikoli chats about his debut collection of short stories, The Fatuous State of Severity
Phumlani Pikoli chatted to Africa’s Lit recently about his debut collection of short stories, The Fatuous State of Severity.

NR Brodie discusses the research she did around African traditional beliefs while writing her debut novel, Knucklebone
Set against the richly textured backdrop of a livewire African city, this fast-paced thriller offers a disturbing contemporary take on justice and morality.