New releases

Greed. Danger. Treachery. But the fight isn’t over. Tony Park returns with Last Survivor!

Tony Park has written another action-packed Sonja Kurtz thriller that will have you engrossed from start to finish.

Ontvlug na ’n beter tyd met Wenkbrou se jongste e-rotika, Liefde in die tyd van Corona deur Elsa Winkler

LAPA Uitgewers en Wenkbrou stel bekend Liefde in die tyd van Corona deur Elsa Winkler, e-rotika op sy beste!

Alligator and Other Stories by Dima Alzayat – a debut short story collection from an exciting talent to watch

In Alligator and Other Stories, Dima Alzayat captures luminously how it feels to be ‘other’: as a Syrian, as an Arab, as an immigrant, as a woman.

Nuut by Jonathan Ball Uitgewers – In Christus: Van toeskouer tot spoortrapper deur Callie Roos

Wat beteken dit om vandag ’n Christen te wees? Vind uit in Callie Roos se jongste boek, In Christus: Van toeskouer tot spoortrapper.

A new treasure trove for fynbos fanatics

Pocket Guide: Fynbos features over 300 of the most spectacular and commonly seen species from South Africa’s renowned floral kingdom – all in one handy, easy-to-use guide.

Midnight Sun – the long-awaited Twilight spinoff by Stephenie Meyer – to be released in August 2020

Number one bestselling author Stephenie Meyer makes a triumphant return to the world of Twilight with her highly anticipated new novel Midnight Sun – the iconic love story of Bella and Edward, told from the vampire’s point of view.

Watch Ken Follett reading an excerpt from his new book, The Evening and the Morning

Here’s a sneak peek of international bestseller Ken Follett’s thrilling new novel, The Evening and the Morning!

Agter grendels deur Erla-Mari Diedericks, nou beskikbaar by Wenkbrou

Emmanuel sal altyd haar kryptonite wees. Hy was eens haar beste vriend, maar hulle het uitmekaargedryf ná ’n insident op Stellenbosch. Nou herken Natasja nie die Emmanuel wat ’n bekende fotograaf in New York is nie. Sy herken nie die man wat sy bed met die een model na die ander deel nie.

Die man langsaan deur Cynthia Robertson – Mens hoef nie volmaak hoef te wees om liefgehê te word nie

Die man langsaan deur Cynthia Robertson: Paloma het 20 jaar gelede alle mans afgesweer toe sy die dag voor haar troue uitvind dat haar verloofde haar verkul.

A celebration of the diversity of African birds – Peacocks and Picathartes: Reflections on Africa’s Birdlife, out now!

Peacocks and Picathartes: Reflections on Africa’s Birdlife is a celebration of the diversity of African birds, focusing on families that occur only in Africa as well as iconic families and species that, despite having close relatives in other parts of the world, seem to embody something of Africa.

Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan – a tense, gripping, thought-provoking drama

Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan – the bestselling author of Anatomy of a Scandal – is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Former US president Bill Clinton and master storyteller James Patterson collaborate on second novel

Penguin Random House SA is proud to announce the publication of The President’s Daughter by Bill Clinton and James Patterson.

Together: Vivek H Murthy explores the global loneliness epidemic – and how we can overcome it

Loneliness, Health and What Happens When We Find Connection

LAPA vier Romanza se 15de bestaansjaar met vier spesiale heruitgawes van Romanzas wat in 2005 verskyn het

Romanza verjaar in Junie en word 15 jaar oud. Om die geleentheid te vier, het LAPA dit goed gedink om die heel eerste vier Romanzas wat ooit verskyn het, weer uit te gee.

I Know This to Be True – what really matters to the most inspiring leaders of our time

Inspiring individuals share what really matters to them in a new series inspired by Nelson Mandela.

Renata Malan is terug in My naam is Legio deur Madelein Rust, die vyfde roman in die Malan-en-Coetsee-reeks

Gaan Renata antwoorde vind voordat dit te laat is? Vind uit in My naam is Legio, die vyfde roman in Madelein Rust se Malan-en-Coetsee-reeks, nou beskikbaar.

I Want You to Know We’re Still Here by Esther Safran Foer – a moving and powerful inter-generational memoir about story and memory

I Want You to Know We’re Still Here by Esther Safran Foer is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Explosive new book tells all – The Accidental Mayor: Herman Mashaba and the Battle for Johannesburg

The Accidental Mayor: Herman Mashaba and the Battle for Johannesburg by Mashaba’s former chief of staff Michael Beaumont is out now from Penguin Random House!

Friday Night Book Club: Read an excerpt from Aravind Adiga’s Amnesty – the story of an illegal immigrant who must decide whether to report a murder and risk being deported

Staying in this evening? We’re going to guess that’s a yes. Get comfortable with a glass of well-earned wine and this excerpt from Amnesty, the riveting, suspenseful and exuberant new novel from Aravind Adiga, the bestselling, Man Booker Prize-winning author of The White Tiger and Selection Day.