New releases
Skep jou eie kulinêre lekkernye met Sjef Mynhardt Joubert se jongste kookboek, My Stasie Straat Kombuis!
My Stasie Straat Kombuis is ’n weerspieëling van Sjef Mynhardt Joubert se kombuis en die etes wat hy daar aanbied.
The body remains a battleground. Body: The Photobook by Nathalie Herschdorfer
Body: The Photobook by Nathalie Herschdorfer – the definitive survey of contemporary photography of the human body – is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.
Geloof soos ’n mosterdsaadjie deur Helena Hugo is nou beskikbaar by LUCA!
Die bekroonde skrywer, vertaler en aktrise, Helena Hugo, se jongste boek is nou op die rakke!
Bloedbande deur Jeanette Stals: ’n Moord sonder verdagtes of leidrade? Klink soos ’n raaisel vir Luna Joubert!
Nou beskikbaar by LAPA: Bloedbande – die vierde boek in Jeanette Stals se Luna Joubert-reeks.
Spoilt Ballots – lifting the lid on 200 years of electoral dysfunction in our beloved and benighted nation
Spoilt Ballots, by Rogues’ Gallery authors Nick Dall and Matthew Blackman, is now available from Penguin Random House SA!
Hoeveel invloed het Rusland op die ANC se regeerstyl gehad? Vind uit in Terreur en bevryding deur Leopold Scholtz
In Terreur en bevryding skryf Leopold Scholtz dat die SAKP reeds in 1928 opdrag van die Kremlin ontvang het om die ANC te infiltreer.
Wat is die sleutel tot vrede en vryheid? Vind uit in Die net is gebreek deur Chris van der Merwe
Chris van der Merwe skryf oor die blydskap van die gebreekte vangnet in sy jongste boek, Die net is gebreek. Nou beskikbaar by LUCA!
New book alert! Two Tons o’ Fun by Fred Khumalo (PLUS: Enter to win a copy!)
Fred Khumalo’s Two Tons o’ Fun – a charming coming-of-age novel set in a Johannesburg township – is out now from Umuzi!
Wonderland – legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz’s surprising account of her encounters with fashion over five decades
Wonderland, by Annie Leibovitz with a Foreward by Anna Wintour, is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.
‘I have never taken a single moment of it for granted’ – Dave Grohl’s The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music is out now
The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music by Dave Grohl is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.
Where would we be without us! Wathint’imbokodo! Find out about the new series Imbokodo: Women Who Shape Us
Imbokodo: Women Who Shape Us is a groundbreaking series of books, written by Athambile Masola and Xolisa Guzula and published by Jacana Media, telling the stories of pioneering South African women who have cleared a path for women and girls.
Cover reveal! Vivian de Klerk’s shocking, poignant and funny new novel Serpent Crescent
Pan Macmillan has revealed the cover for Serpent Crescent – the new novel by Vivian de Klerk!
Die hart soek wat hy (of sy) soek in 5 splinternuwe Romanzas – nou op die rakke!
Nuut by LAPA in die maand van liefde – vyf nuwe liefdesromans deur René van Zyl, Frenette van Wyk, Analize Viljoen, Dina Botha en Lizelle von Wielligh!
How to adopt simple, healthy eating habits and stick to them: Living the Ultimate Keto Lifestyle by Hendrik Marais
Out now! Living the Ultimate Keto Lifestyle: A South African Guide and Cookbook by Keto Lifestyle SA founder, Hendrik Marais.
Correcting the false image of German colonial rule in Namibia: Jürgen Zimmerer’s German Rule, African Subjects, now available in English
German Rule, African Subjects: State Aspirations and the Reality of Power in Colonial Namibia is out now from Jacana Media.
Six couples. One luxury resort. And the perfect murder … Sophie Hannah’s The Couple at the Table is out now!
The Couple at the Table by Sophie Hannah is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.
Soms is huis aan die ander kant van die wêreld: Droomboom deur Marie Spruyt is nou op die rakke!
Nuut by LAPA Uitgewers: Droomboom deur Marie Spruyt, ‘n verhaal van vergifnis en aanvaarding, en die helende krag van vriendskap en liefde.
Ludo Labuschagne is terug in Kry vir jou deur François Bloemhof! Sal hy sy tweede saak betyds kan oplos?
Binnekort beskikbaar by LAPA Uitgewers: Kry vir jou – die tweede boek in François Bloemhof se Ludo Labuschagne-wiedoenit reeks!
Why have we lost our ability to focus? What are the causes? And how do we get it back?
Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention by Johann Hari is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.
Light Space Life – a monograph on leading South African architecture studio SAOTA
Light Space Life: Houses by SAOTA – with a foreword by Reni Folawiyo and text by SAOTA – is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.