Johannesburg. Made in China, the 9th book of the acclaimed series Wake Up, This is Joburg, launches at Fourthwall Books
More about the book!

Fourthwall Books invites you to the launch of Johannesburg. Made in China, the 9th book of the acclaimed series Wake Up, This is Joburg, by photographer Mark Lewis and writer Tanya Zack.
Urban planner Yasmeen Dinath will be the speaker at the launch event.
Event details:
Date: Saturday, 2 December 2017
Venue: Wits Art Museum, University Corner, Jorissen St & Bertha St, Johannesburg
Time: 10:30 for 11:00 a.m.
Parking will be available at the event, here is where to find it:
The parking garage is underneath WAM, the entrance is to the left off Jorissen Street, after the Station street intersection and just before the large glass windows.
Proceed down the ramp into the garage, then make your way via the stairwell or lifts to the lobby of the building and the WAM Café.
In Johannesburg. Made in China, Zack and Lewis follow professional shoppers who cross national borders in search of high quality goods in Johannesburg’s bustling inner city for their customers back home in Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, Malawi … The shoppers, mostly women, navigate the perils of Johannesburg—muggers, corrupt City officials, unscrupulous police—to conduct their business and, in the process, contribute billions in annual revenue to a city that remains largely hostile to their presence.
Johannesburg. Made in China gives us some insight into how the combined efforts of these shoppers and traders, who have carved out businesses over decades of networking and trading, contribute to the growth of Johannesburg and indeed to the region as a whole. It is a story of gutsy entrepreneurship and tenacity that should make city officials and others sit up and take notice!
Categories Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Book events Book launches Fourthwall Books Johannesburg Johannesburg. Made in China Mark Lewis New books New releases Tanya Zack Wake Up This is Joburg Wits Art Museum Yasmeen Dinath