Haji Mohamed Dawjee

Don’t miss the Cape Town launch of Coconut Kelz’s Guide to Surviving This Sh*thole! (17 Sep)
Howzit guys! You’re invited to join us for a night of caucasity with Coconut Kelz to celebrate her new book, Coconut Kelz’s Guide to Surviving this Shithole.

The line-up for the 2018 Abantu Book Festival has been revealed!
The line-up for the third annual Abantu Book Festival has been announced.

The programme for the 2018 Open Book Festival has been revealed!
The full programme has been announced for the eighth Open Book Festival!

Don’t miss Arundhati Roy, author of The God of Small Things and The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, in Cape Town
Penguin Random House and the University of Cape Town invite you to an evening with Arundhati Roy.

Open Book Festival announces first group of authors confirmed for Cape Town
The first group of authors has been announced for the eighth Open Book Festival! This year’s Open Book will take place from …

Haji Mohamed Dawjee chats about who should be reading her book, Sorry, Not Sorry: Experiences of a Brown Woman in a White South Africa
In Sorry, Not Sorry, Haji Mohamed Dawjee explores the often maddening experience of moving through post-apartheid South Africa as a woman of colour.

Win a copy of Sorry, Not Sorry by Haji Mohamed Dawjee PLUS a T-shirt
The Reading List is giving away two copies of Sorry, Not Sorry, the new book from Haji Mohamed Dawjee, and two T-shirts, courtesy of Penguin Random House SA!

How Converse All Stars have been appropriated by white people: Read an excerpt from Sorry, Not Sorry by Haji Mohamed Dawjee
Why don’t white people understand that Converse tekkies are not just cool but a political statement to people of colour?

Win: Signed copy of Haji Mohamed Dawjee’s Sorry, Not Sorry PLUS a R1000 gift voucher for a pair of Converse tekkies!
Win a signed copy of Haji Mohamed Dawjee’s Sorry, Not Sorry PLUS a R1000 gift voucher for a pair of Converse tekkies!

Haji Mohamed Dawjee launches Sorry, Not Sorry at Love Books
Penguin Random House SA and Love Books invite you to the launch of Sorry, Not Sorry by Haji Mohamed Dawjee.