Graphic Novels

’n Hart is net atome deur Cecilia Steyn – ’n skreeusnaakse grafiese roman vir jonk en oud
’n Hart is net atome is ’n fantastiese grafiese roman deur geliefde jeugboekskrywer Cecilia Steyn en illustreerder Danielle Albertyn.

New book alert! All Rise: Resistance and Rebellion in South Africa – A Graphic History
All Rise: Resistance and Rebellion in South Africa is a vivid, first-of-its-kind collection of near-forgotten South Africa resistance histories.

Nelson Mandela comic goes worldwide
Nelson Mandela: The Authorised Comic was first published by Jonathan Ball Publishers back in 2008. Now Constable have cleverly bought all language rights still available, and will publish in English in the UK and Commonwealth.