Guide to submitting your manuscript to Jonathan Ball Publishers
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Have you finished your book? Wondering how to get published? Have a look at Jonathan Ball Publishers manuscript submission guidelines.
Manuscript Submissions
Please follow the manuscript submission guidelines detailed below in order to expedite the publishing process as much as possible.
- Note: Double check this information on the Jonathan Ball Publishers website before sending off your manuscript.
How to submit:
Email submissions can be sent to Aimee Carelse: Please note that email is preferable owing to the large amount of manuscripts we receive.
Submissions can be sent via post to the following addresses:
Aimee Carelse, Office C4, the District, 41 Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock, 7925
Postal: PO Box 43265 Woodstock 7915. 021 469 8900
If sent by post, please send a copy of the original work. If the manuscript needs be returned, please send a self-addressed envelope (SASE). If no SASE is provided, the manuscript will be recycled.
NO HAND DELIVERED MANUSCRIPTS. Please note that we do not arrange meetings with authors before receiving the relevant information and chapters listed below and until the first stage of the review process has taken place.
What to submit:
The Jonathan Ball list specialises in South African non-fiction, in particular biography, history and politics. We do not publish children’s books, poetry, plays or short story collections. We do publish fiction, but on an extremely limited scale.
Sunbird Publishers publishes books pertaining to South Africa in the following areas: travel and outdoors; maps and atlases; natural history; illustrated; food; lifestyle; adventure; culture; and wildlife. We do not, however, publish in the following genres: coffee-table photo portfolios; poetry; short stories; general/science fiction; fantasy; scripts; and religion.
Ons aanvaar ook voorleggings in Afrikaans.
Please provide as much of the following information as available:
- A 200-300 word cover letter briefly summarising the book
- A detailed contents list
- 3 sample chapters (this is essential and can be any three chapters)
- 1-2 paragraphs of marketing research: Who are you writing the book for? What is the approximate size of this market? Is there an optimal time of year to publish?
- Details of comparable/competitive books: Similar competitor titles? Distinguishing features of book? USP (Unique Sales Point)?
- Format and length of the book: Percentage balance of text vs. illustrations; Format you have in mind; Estimated length of entire manuscript (wordage/pages)
- Portfolio of photographic/illustrated work on either CD or email
- Time scale you are working towards: Current status of the manuscript? When could the final manuscript be ready?
- Biographical details: Previous publications, if any; Experience, educational background or qualifications relevant to material; Publicity contacts
- Your email address.Due to the high volume of manuscripts we receive, please note we will take approximately 2-3 months to respond to your proposal.
Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be discarded.
Categories Fiction Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Book Publishing Jonathan Ball Publishers Publishing Writing Writing Advice
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