All Rise

New book alert! All Rise: Resistance and Rebellion in South Africa – A Graphic History
All Rise: Resistance and Rebellion in South Africa is a vivid, first-of-its-kind collection of near-forgotten South Africa resistance histories.

Join Justice Dikgang Moseneke for an online discussion of his memoir All Rise (18 May)
Tshwane University of Technology Student Affairs and Extracurricular Development invite you to a virtual book discussion of Justice Dikgang Moseneke’s book All Rise: A Judicial Memoir.

Pan Macmillan SA Holiday Gift Guide: Step into 2021 on the right foot with 8 local non-fiction titles
Are you looking to end the year with an inspiring non-fiction book or two to shift your thinking, gain new insights or step into 2021 on the right foot?

[Watch] A dialogue between former Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke and civil society
If you missed it, you can still watch former Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke in a civil society dialogue about his new book, All Rise.

Don’t miss a civil society dialogue with Justice Dikgang Moseneke, hosted by Section27, Maverick Citizen and Pan Macmillan SA (15 Oct)
Join Section27 and Pan Macmillan South Africa for the All Rise webinar with former Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke.

Allan Gray Speaker Series: Justice Dikgang Moseneke (15 Sep)
Join Professor Hugh Corder of the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business in conversation with Justice Dikgang Moseneke about his new book, All Rise.

[Video] Justice Dikgang Moseneke discusses his new book All Rise – ‘I dedicate this memoir to all the people of our land and of Africa who deserve respect, freedom and social justice’
Pan Macmillan has shared a video of Justice Dikgang Moseneke discussing his new book, All Rise: A Judicial Memoir.

New book alert! All Rise: A Judicial Memoir by Justice Dikgang Moseneke
Pan Macmillan is proud to publish Justice Dikgang Moseneke’s second book, All Rise: A Judicial Memoir.