These are the books you should read. This is the canon.
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This is the Canon by Joan Anim-Addo, Deirdre Osborne and Kadija Sesay is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

‘A vital and timely introduction to some of the best books I’ve ever read. Perfectly curated and filled with brilliant literature.’ – Nikesh Shukla

‘The ultimate introduction to post-colonial literature for those who want to understand the classics and the pioneers in this exciting area of books.’ – Symeon Brown

These are the books you should read. This is the canon.

Joan Anim-Addo, Deirdre Osborne and Kadija Sesay have curated a decolonised reading list that celebrates the wide and diverse experiences of people from around the world, of all backgrounds and all races. It disrupts the all-too-often white-dominated ‘required reading’ collections that have become the accepted norm and highlights powerful voices and cultural perspectives that demand a place on our shelves.

From literary giants such as Toni Morrison and Chinua Achebe to less well known (but equally vital) writers such as Caribbean novelist Earl Lovelace or Indigenous Australian author Tony Birch, the novels recommended here are in turn haunting and lyrical; innovative and inspiring; edgy and poignant.

The power of great fiction is that readers have the opportunity to discover new worlds and encounter other beliefs and opinions. This is the Canon offers a rich and multifaceted perspective on our past, present and future which deserves to be read by all bibliophiles – whether they are book club members or solitary readers, self-educators or teachers.

About the editors

Professor Joan Anim-Addo is Professor Emerita of Caribbean Literature and Culture at Goldsmiths University and the co-founder of the world-first MA in Black British Literature. Dr Deirdre Osborne is Reader in English Literature and Drama at Goldsmiths University, London and the co-founder of the world-first Black British Literature MA. She is also associate editor of Women’s Writing. Kadija Sesay Hon FRSL is a writer and editor of several anthologies. She is the founder of SABLE LitMag, and AfriPoetree SIV and co-founder of The Mboka Festival in The Gambia.

Categories Africa Fiction International Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Deirdre Osborne Joan Anim-Addo Jonathan Ball Publishers Kadija Sesay New books New releases This is the Canon

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