Improve your week with this delicious Chocolate Mousse Pie recipe from Sifo: The Cooking Husband
 More about the book!

Sifo: The Cooking Husband by Sinoyolo Sifo is now available from your favourite bookshop and online!

Sifo is a husband that cooks. His goal: to break the gender stereotypes that surround male figures in the kitchen and encourage more men to cook. As he says, the kitchen is no longer the domain of women only, and men need to get more comfortable in the kitchen, so they can share equally in the responsibilities of day-to-day life and its demands.

Today, we’re sharing Sifo’s delicious recipe for Chocolate Mousse Pie – yum!

Sifo says:

‘When I am hosting dinner at my house, this is my favourite dessert to make. The mousse has a rich chocolate flavour and a very smooth texture. I usually add cream on top to balance out the sweetness.’

Categories Cookery Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Book excerpts Book extracts Cookery Penguin Random House SA Recipes Sifo: The Cooking Husband Sinoyolo Sifo

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