Footnotes, March 2021: Book links from around the web

At The Reading List, we’re trainspotters when it comes to interesting book links, and here are a number that caught our eye.
- This love-in between author Dan Hicks and … wait for it … MC HAMMER … is sending us.
- Don’t look now, but there’s an unseen work by Proust in the works. (More petites madeleines, anyone?)
- Oy. US poet Amanda Gorman’s Dutch translator, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, who won a gigantic bloody prize not too long ago, withdrew from the translation project after a spot of social media uproar.
- Hey, a certain maverick publisher in South Africa has done a pretty damned good book deal on their first bestseller, Six Years with Al Qaeda by Stephen McGown.
- There’s a TikTok trend that involves a sound which begins, ‘Oh, I f*cked up…’ Probably what bestselling author Jacques Pauw thought to himself at some point during the last couple of weeks.
- What happened to Jordan Peterson? (Like, literally what happened to him.)
- Kill the book blurb and dance on its grave.
- Guernica has a new editor. It’s Jina Moore! She’s great 🙂
- And so, it’s March again.
Pause for a moment and read some new poetry.
Categories Fiction International Non-fiction
Tags Amanda Gorman Dan Hicks Footnotes Guernica Jacques Pauw Jina Moore Jordan Peterson Marieke Lucas Rijneveld Maverick 451 MC Hammer Proust Simon van Schalkwyk Six Years with Al Qaeda Stephen McGown The Brutish Museums