Join the Virtual Book Launch for Irna van Zyl’s new novel Blood Stone on Twitter (18 Mar 2020)
More about the book!
All South African book launches have been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, so The Reading List will host a Virtual Book Launch for Irna van Zyl’s new crime novel Blood Stone this evening! (6 pm, Wednesday 18 March 2020.)
Irna will be in conversation with Mike Nicol on Twitter.
Blood Stone virtual book launch event details
Date: Wednesday 18 March 2020
Time: 17:30 for 18:00
Venue: Twitter! Follow @readinglist_ where we will be hosting the conversation. Also follow @irnavanzyl and @MikeNicol.
Blood Stone is published by Penguin Random House SA, and is also available in Afrikaans as Bloedsteen, and as an audiobook, narrated by beloved Afrikaans actor Chris van Niekerk.
Your support is needed to help our booksellers and publishers!
South Africans who are able to are choosing to stay home where possible to try and curb the outbreak as far as possible. It’s a dark time, but the South Africa book industry will need our help and support over the next few weeks.
If you are doing your best to self-isolate, you will surely need some great books to keep you company.
Two of our favourite independent bookshops, Love Books in Joburg and The Book Lounge in Cape Town, continue to operate, and are offering book deliveries (free within a certain radius) for those who are unable or reluctant to visit the store.
- Love Books has a new email address dedicated to orders: Please place orders for books at
- The Book Lounge can be contacted through its website here:
Categories Fiction South Africa
Tags Blood Stone Bloodsteen Book events Book launches Love Books Mike Nicol Penguin Random House SA The Book Lounge Twitter Virtual book launches