How to act with power – don’t miss a free masterclass with Stanford Business Professor Deborah Gruenfeld (27 May)
More about the book!
Join Stanford Business Professor Deborah Gruenfeld for an eye-opening look at how to cultivate and harness power in any role and on any stage.
Gruenfeld is the author of Acting with Power: Why We Are More Powerful than We Believe.
What if being right, sounding smart and appearing strong are not necessary to achieve power? What if in the theatre of life, you could have more power by being a supporting character? What if, rather than worrying about getting more power, we focus on using the power we do have better?
In this free, livestreamed How To Academy masterclass, Gruenfeld will explore what it means to use power well.
Combining 20 years of social psychology research with personal experience revealing the truth to power, Gruenfeld understands what we all have more power than we realise. Drawing upon her oversubscribed course on the subject, this session will reveal what power is actually for, who gets to have it, how to identify it within ourselves, and how to use it constructively.
Event details
Date: Wednesday 27 May 2020
Time: 18:30 BST (19:30 CAT)
Venue: Online Zoom
RSVP: Book your ticket here
Categories International Non-fiction
Tags Acting with Power Book events Deborah Gruenfeld Jonathan Ball Publishers