Don’t miss the announcement of the 2020 Dinaane Debut Fiction Award winner in Joburg (20 Feb)
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The Jacana Literary Foundation and Exclusive Books invite you to the 2020 Dinaane Debut Fiction Award announcement!

Dinaane aims to promote new southern African fiction that speaks to both a local and international audience. It encourages new writers and new readers by publishing material that would likely otherwise not have been selected – for purely commercial reasons – by local publishers of literature.

For the past 15 years, first as the European Union Literary Award and now as The Dinaane Debut Fiction Award, this prize has unearthed great new literary talent within southern African countries. 2019’s winner was The Mourning Bird by Zambian author Mubanga Kalimamukwento.

This year’s judges – Rehana Rossouw, Jennifer Malec and Christopher Thurman – read over 60 manuscripts and discovered a smorgasbord of fresh writing talent and excellent stories.

In alphabetical order, the following manuscripts have been shortlisted:

  • Christopher by Nozuko Siyotula
  • Scatterlings by Resoketswe Manenzhe
  • Sleeping Naked by Julia Landau

The recipient of the Gerald Kraak Prize will also be revealed.

Event details

Date: Thursday 20 February 2020
Time: 17:30 for 18:00
Venue: Exclusive Books Rosebank, The Mall of Rosebank, Johannesburg
RSVP: events@exclusivebooks.co.za

Categories Africa Fiction South Africa

Tags Book events Christopher Dinaane Debut Fiction Award Gerald Kraak Award Gerald Kraak Prize Jacana Literary Foundation Jacana Media Julia Landau Nozuko Siyotula Rešoketšwe Manenzhe Scatterlings Sleeping Naked

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