Submit your manuscript to Pan Macmillan during an open submissions window in May

Pan Macmillan South Africa does not as a rule accept unsolicited manuscripts, but has an open submissions window from 8 to the 12 May 2017.

Guidelines for submitting your work to Pan Macmillan

Pan Macmillan South Africa publishes books for the general market in the following categories:

  • General fiction
  • Literary fiction
  • Memoir/biography/autobiography
  • General non-fiction

Due to the priorities of our local publishing programme, Pan Macmillan will unfortunately not consider submissions for short story collections, poetry, plays, religion and self-help and children’s books.

As an African publishing house, we believe in publishing books by African authors and/or books that deal with contemporary African themes and issues. We are extremely selective in accepting works for publication. Only works of the highest writing standard, level of originality and market appeal will be considered.

All submissions should contain:

  • Each submission must be accompanied by a covering letter and 500-word synopsis along with three completed chapters of your manuscript (in either Word or pdf format).
  • Your covering letter should contain a motivation for your submission along with an abbreviated CV related to your writing and the manuscript being submitted.
  • Non-fiction submissions should contain a complete Contents list for your manuscript.

All material must be typed. Please ensure all pages are numbered consecutively. No handwritten submissions will be considered.

Please send all submissions to Please write the title of your work as the email subject. Unfortunately, we will not consider submissions sent before or after this period.


Please note that if you have not heard back from Pan Macmillan within eight weeks, consider your submission to have been unsuccessful. Pan Macmillan is not able to enter into correspondence regarding unsuccessful submissions.

Children’s Books

Unfortunately, Pan Macmillan is no longer considering children’s books submissions.

Categories Fiction Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Pan Macmillan SA Writing

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  • My apologies, comment sent too soon. Dr Susan E. Schwartz is resident in the US. Our book is self published by createspace. It does not deal specifically with African issues. The theme of Aging is nevertheless universal. I’m wondering whether to submit? Thank you.

  • I am a SA author living in Johannesburg. My most recent book ‘Aging & Becoming ~ A Reflective Enquiry’ co-authored by Dr. Susan E. Schwartz Jungian Analyst

  • When you say a detailed summary of the chapters what are we talking here? How long – a page, a couple of paragraphs – salient points?!

  • I notice on your website that you also ask for

    • A covering letter and 500-word containing motivation and
    • Abbreviated CV related to your writing and the manuscript being submitted.

    However, these two items are not listed in the above brief?! Must we submit them anyway, or leave them out at this stage?
    Thank you.

    • Hi Charmaine – the post has been updated, please have a look at the adjusted requirements. Thanks!

      • Sorry for being a bother but the new requirements do not want an author note on potential marketing and competing books? It’s just a bit confusing!

      • Is a contents list the same as a summary of each chapter please as originally asked for? Can i submit a summary of each chapter as a contents list, or do you just want the chapter headings without a summary?

      • Thanks Jennifer, so it’s now the same as your website including covering letter and CV.

  • Hi there, the submission mail address isn’t mentioned?


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