
Join acclaimed bestselling author Louisa Treger in Stellenbosch for the launch of The Paris Muse (18 Sep)

Jonathan Ball Publishers and Stellenbosch Books invite you to the launch of The Paris Muse by Louisa Treger.

Cities are at a crossroads – and hold our destinies in the balance: Don’t miss the launch of Age of the City in Stellenbosch (6 Mar)

Join Jonathan Ball Publishers for the launch of Age of the City: Why Our Future will be Won or Lost Together by Ian Goldin and Tom Lee-Devlin at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS).

Join Matthew Blackman and Nick Dall for the Stellenbosch launch of Legends: People Who Changed South Africa for the Better (30 Nov)

Penguin Random House and the Stellenbosch University Centre for Social Justice invite you to the launch of Legends: People Who Changed South Africa for the Better by Matthew Blackman and Nick Dall.

Don’t miss international bestselling author Louisa Treger in Stellenbosch, discussing her latest novel Madwoman (20 Mar)

Join Jonathan Ball Publishers on Monday evening at Stellenbosch Books for an evening with Louisa Treger!

Don’t miss the launch of The ANC Billionaires: Big Capital’s Gambit and the Rise of the Few by Pieter du Toit in Stellenbosch (17 Nov)

Jonathan Ball Publishers invite you to the launch of The ANC Billionaires: Big Capital’s Gambit and the Rise of the Few by Pieter du Toit.

‘Jannie, as jy kat en muis wil speel, moet jy seker maak dat jy die kat is’: Lees ’n uittreksel uit Fortuine deur Ebbe Dommisse

Tussen die vier mure van die restaurant Decameron in die hartjie van Stellenbosch word saketransaksies beslis en betwis. Lees ’n uittreksel uit Fortuine deur Ebbe Dommisse.

Kom ontmoet Prinses Pampoenpit se skrywer, Bianca Flanders, in Stellenbosch! (5 Junie)

LAPA Uitgewers en ATKV-Inkstories nooi jou graag na ’n geleentheid met Bianca Flanders in Stellenbosch die naweek.

Kom vier die bekendstelling van Malene Breytenbach se spanningsverhaal Skadumagte in Stellenbosch (11 Maart)

Kom sit aan by ’n driegang-maal en luister wanneer LAPA-skrywer Malene Breytenbach met Louise Esterhuizen gesels oor haar roman, Skadumagte.

Kom luister hoe gesels Anoeschka von Meck stoepstories in Stellenbosch oor haar jongste roman, Die heelal op my tong (18 Maart)

Anoeschka von Meck, skrywer van Die heelal op my tong, gesels op 18 Maart met Theo Kemp oor dié heerlike leeservaring. Moenie die geleentheid plus ’n driegang maal in Stellenbosch misloop nie!

Author tour: Christy Lefteri, bestselling author of The Beekeeper of Aleppo, will be in South Africa in March!

Christy Lefteri, author of the moving, powerful, compassionate and beautifully written novel The Beekeeper of Aleppo, will be in Cape Town and Joburg from 10–18 March 2020.

Kom kuier saam met 12 skrywers by die LAPA WOW Biblioteekdag in Stellenbosch (11 Maart)

Kom ontmoet ons spogskrywers Jaco Jacobs, Fanie Viljoen, Nanette van Rooyen en nog meer by die LAPA WOW Biblioteekdag.

Woordfees 2020: Moenie Jodi Picoult se Skype-onderhoud met Deborah Steinmair en Sara-Jayne Makwala King misloop nie! (10 Maart)

Jonathan Ball Uitgewers nooi jou graag na die Skype-bekendstelling van Jodi Picoult se eerste roman in Afrikaans, Die belydenis.

Veels geluk aan al die finaliste van die ATKV-Woordveertjies 2019! (Plus: Video)

Die Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV) het vroeër vandeesmaand die finaliste van die ATKV-Woordveertjies bekendgemaak.

Video: Does the ‘Stellenbosch Mafia’ really exist and how much power do they wield over South Africa?

In this video, author and News24 assistant editor for in-depth news Pieter du Toit unpacks his book, The Stellenbosch Mafia: Inside the Billionaires’ Club.

All the book launch details for The Stellenbosch Mafia by Pieter du Toit – in Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Joburg and Pretoria

Jonathan Ball Publishers and Exclusive Books invite you to the launch of The Stellenbosch Mafia: Inside the Billionaires’ Club by Pieter du Toit. 

All the book launch details for Death on the Limpopo – the new Tannie Maria mystery by Sally Andrew – around the country!

Death on the Limpopo – the third Tannie Maria mystery by Sally Andrew – is out in September from Penguin Random House SA!

The Stellenbosch Mafia – all male, all Afrikaans, and all stinking rich – what influence does this billionaires’ club exert on South Africa?

The Stellenbosch Mafia: Inside the Billionaires’ Club by Pieter du Toit is out in July 2019 from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Join Carsten Rasch in conversation with Valiant Swart for the launch of Between Rock and a Hard Place in Stellenbosch

MFBooks Joburg invites you to the launch of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Carsten Rasch, ‘a survivor from the South African punk and new wave scene of the eighties’.

Don’t miss Pan Macmillan authors at the US Woordfees book festival – including international bestseller Joanna Trollope

Visit the US Woordfees book festival for an opportunity to engage and meet Pan Macmillan authors Judith February, Ian Fuhr, Mohale Mashigo, Johan Booysen and international bestselling writer Joanna Trollope!