
Miracle Men: How Rassie’s Springboks won the World Cup – The thrilling journey of a team that went from no-hopers to world champions
Miracle Men: How Rassie’s Springboks won the World Cup by Lloyd Burnard is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Updated edition of Siya Kolisi: Against All Odds by Jeremy Daniel out now
An updated edition of Siya Kolisi: Against All Odds by Jeremy Daniel is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

The Rise of the Ultra Runners by Adharanand Finn – an electrifying and inspiring account of one of the toughest sports in the world
Ultra running defies conventional logic. Yet this most brutal and challenging sport is now one of the fastest-growing in the world. Why is this? Is it an antidote to modern life, or a symptom of a modern illness?

The sporting dramas and passions that defined a quarter century – Luke Alfred introduces his new book Vuvuzela Dawn: 25 Sports Stories that Shaped a New Nation
Pan Macmillan has shared a video of Luke Alfred introducing his new book, Vuvuzela Dawn: 25 Sports Stories that Shaped a New Nation.

A remarkable new sports biography – Being a Black Springbok: The Thando Manana Story
Thando Manana was the third black African player to don a Springbok jersey after unification in 1992, when he made his debut in 2000 in a tour game against Argentina A.