New releases
New book alert! Malaika wa Azania’s Corridors of Death: The Struggle to Exist in Historically White Institutions – out now from BlackBird Books
Corridors of Death: The Struggle to Exist in Historically White Institutions – the new book by Malaika wa Azania, the bestselling author of Memoirs of a Born Free: Reflections on the Rainbow Nation – is out now from BlackBird Books!
Hot off the press! Scatterlings, the Dinaane Debut Fiction Award-winning novel by Resoketswe Manenzhe
Scatterlings by Rešoketšwe Manenzhe – the winner of the 2020 Dinaane Debut Fiction Award – will be in stores this Friday!
The Story of China by Michael Wood – a portrait of a country that will be of the greatest importance to the world in the 21st century
China’s story is extraordinarily rich and dramatic. Now Michael Wood, one of the UK’s pre-eminent historians, brings it all together in The Story of China, a major new one-volume history of China that is essential for reading for anyone who wants to understand its burgeoning role in our world today.
My Only Story: The full story of the sexual abuse Deon Wiggett suffered at the hands of a teacher who led a sinister and predatory double life
Deon Wiggett’s series of sensational podcasts shook South Africa in November 2019, when he revealed the identity of the man who raped him as a schoolboy.
Die geheim van ’n goeie leuen is om altyd bietjie waarheid by te voeg … Die goeie suster deur Henda Olivier is nou beskikbaar
Mila se werklike lewe is binne haar bereik. Al wat sy moet doen is kophou. Henda Olivier se debuutroman, Die goeie suster, is nou beskikbaar.
Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam – an electrifying and unnerving novel for our times
Rumaan Alam’s new novel Leave the World Behind elegantly captures our age of anxiety and shows how the most terrifying situations are never far from reality.
Nude 2: A Banting and Keto Cookbook by Armand Aucamp is out now – with a summery twist!
Follow Armand Aucamp as he brings to the table 50 more fresh, light, budget-friendly and perfectly balanced low-carb and keto dishes in his latest cookbook, Nude 2.
Join David Walliams on this action-packed, laugh-out-loud adventure for all the family!
Jonathan Ball Publishers is pleased to announce the publication of a brand new novel from David Walliams – Code Name Bananas!
‘Die glas onthou immers die vuur / Nie die water nie’ – Die gladde stiltes in glas deur Louis Esterhuizen is nou beskikbaar!
Die bekroonde digter Louis Esterhuizen se elfde digbundel, Die gladde stiltes in glas, is nou beskikbaar by Protea Boekhuis.
The Book of ProVerb – a memoir, a hustle manifesto, and a wholesome guide to life from one of South Africa’s brightest stars
The Book of ProVerb is out now from Penguin Random House SA!
’n Moet vir Frankofiele! Amper Frans: ’n Lewe van fanfare en faux pas is nou beskikbaar in Afrikaans en Engels
Toe hy 21 jaar gelede vir die eerste keer in Parys aankom, sou die kunstenaar Louis Jansen van Vuuren hom nooit kon indink dat hy eendag ’n château in die Franse platteland sou besit nie. In Amper Frans vertel hy op skreesnaakse wyse hoe hy alles wat Frans is ontdek en beproef het.
NUUT: Gisterwinter – Susanne Pike
Sonder jou gister kan jy nie jou unieke vandag wees nie.
Elke gister het ook immers sy eie winter.
NUUT: Verdiende wraak – Malene Breytenbach
Deel I:
Die boere word verslaan en die oorlog bring verwoesting. Joiners en hensoppers, genoem Judasboere, verraai die bittereinders en loop oor na die Engelse.
Hoe lank na ’n geliefde se dood mag mens weer begin leef? Vind uit in Om weer te droom deur Elsa Winckler
Nagmerries word soms mooi drome … Om weer te droom deur Elsa Winckler is nou beskikbaar by jou naaste boekwinkel.
Ontvoerings, partytjies, en ’n seksles in Hong Kong – Anoeschka von Meck is terug met Die heelal op my tong
Anoeschka von Meck, skrywer van die wegholsukses Vaselinetjie waarvan daar ook ’n rolprentweergawe is, se jongste roman Die heelal op my tong is nou beskikbaar!
Afrish by Verenia Keet
Afrish is about race and identity, haves and have-nots, and spans two decades leading into South Africa’s transition from apartheid to democracy.
One Week in the Life of a Hypocrite by Feyisayo Anjorin
One week in the life of Bosun and Titi, lovers longing for the approach of their wedding day, caught in the complicated web of secrets and the demands of trust.
Deadly Pattern: A Suspense Thriller (The Dana Mulder Suspense Series Book 1)
Written for international readers by a South African author, Deadly Patterns reveal disturbing truths.
NUUT: Swartslang – Thomas Deacon
Die lewe spoeg vir Bohato bitterwater. Vir hom, wat met die vlies om sy kop gebore word, geskied daar nie geregtigheid nie.