
Don’t miss the launch of Nicky Greenwall’s debut domestic thriller A Short Life in Hermanus (2 Oct)

Join Penguin Random House and Hermanus Library for an unforgettable evening – the launch of A Short Life by the acclaimed Nicky Greenwall!

Join Philip Lymbery in Hermanus for the launch of his new book Sixty Harvests Left (7 Oct)

Jonathan Ball Publishers and The Book Cottage invite you to the launch of Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-friendly Future by Philip Lymbery.

Join author David Muirhead and illustrator Patricia de Villiers for the launch of Cat Among the Pigeons in Hermanus

Penguin Random House and The Book Cottage invite you to the launch of Cat Among the Pigeons: Animal Myths, Musings and Matters of Fact.