Book launches

Join Fiona Snyckers, in conversation with Lorraine Sithole, for the launch of her new novel Lacuna at Love Books

You are invited to the Johannesburg launch of Lacuna, the new novel by Fiona Snyckers.

Don’t miss the launch of the extraordinary book The Last Elephants at Kalk Bay Books (9 April)

‘Who and what would we be without elephants in the world? What would their extinction say about the human species? What would be the cost of the loss of this animal to the landscapes, to the ecology of other species such as insects, birds, mammals, plants and trees and more … and to the human psyche?’ – Dr Ian McCallum

Hayley Chewins launches her captivating debut novel The Turnaway Girls at Love Books

Pan Macmillan and Love Books invite you to the launch of The Turnaway Girls by Hayley Chewins.

Don’t miss the launch of Whatever, the frank and hilariously dark memoir of 19-year-old Saskia Bailey, at The Book Lounge (10 April)

MFBooks Joburg invites you to the Cape Town launch of Saskia Bailey’s debut book, Whatever: A 21st-century Memoir.

Renowned Stanford political scientist Francis Fukuyama will be in South Africa for the launch of his new book Identity

Jonathan Ball Publishers and Exclusive Books invite you to the launch of Identity: Contemporary Identity Politics and the Struggle for Recognition by Francis Fukuyama.

Join Marlene van der Westhuizen for the launch of Plate at Exclusive Books i’langa Mall (3 April)

Exclusive Books and Penguin Random House invite you to the launch of Plate by Marlene van der Westhuizen in Mbombela.

Don’t miss the launch of Whatever, the frank and hilariously dark memoir of 19-year-old Saskia Bailey, at Love Books (4 April)

MFBooks Joburg invites you to the launch of Saskia Bailey’s debut book, Whatever: A 21st-century Memoir.

Join Marlene van der Westhuizen for the launch of Plate at Orange Restaurant

Penguin Random House invites you to the launch of Plate by Marlene van der Westhuizen.

Join Marlene van der Westhuizen for the launch of Plate at Exclusive Books Hyde Park, followed by a dinner

Exclusive Books and Penguin Random House invite you to the launch of Plate by Marlene van der Westhuizen.

Don’t miss the launch of Carsten Rasch’s memoir Between Rock and a Hard Place at Love Books (28 Mar)

MFBooks Joburg and Love Books invite you to the launch of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Carsten Rasch, ‘a survivor from the South African punk and new wave scene of the eighties’.

Join Julia Martin for the launch of her memoir The Blackridge House at The Book Lounge

Jonathan Ball Publishers and The Book Lounge invite you to the launch of The Blackridge House by Julia Martin.

Join Carsten Rasch in conversation with Valiant Swart for the launch of Between Rock and a Hard Place in Stellenbosch

MFBooks Joburg invites you to the launch of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Carsten Rasch, ‘a survivor from the South African punk and new wave scene of the eighties’.

Don’t miss the book launch of The A to Z of South African Politics at Constitution Hill (19 Mar)

Constitution Hill, Exclusive Books and Jacana Media invite you to the book launch of The A to Z of South African Politics: People, Parties and Players.

Don’t miss the launch of Katharine Kilalea’s mesmerising debut novel OK, Mr Field at The Book Lounge (20 Mar)

Jonathan Ball Publishers and The Book Lounge invite you to an evening with Katharine Kilalea, author of OK, Mr Field.

Join The Cheeky Natives in conversation with the editors and contributors to We Are No Longer at Ease: The Struggle for #FeesMustFall (26 Mar)

Catch The Cheeky Natives in conversation with the editors and contributors to the new book We Are No Longer at Ease: The Struggle for #FeesMustFall.

Don’t miss the launch of Marlene van der Westhuizen’s new cookbook Plate at The Book Lounge (14 Mar)

Struik Lifestyle and The Book Lounge invite you to the launch of Plate by Marlene van der Westhuizen.

Don’t miss the launch of The Last Elephants by Don Pinnock and Colin Bell at The Book Lounge

Penguin Random House and The Book Lounge invite you to the launch of The Last Elephants by Don Pinnock and Colin Bell.

Don’t miss a discussion of the new book Democracy Works: Rewiring Politics to Africa’s Advantage in Durban (26 Mar)

Xubera Institute for Research and Development, The Brenthurst Foundation and Pan Macmillan invite you to the launch of Democracy Works: Rewiring Politics to Africa’s Advantage, by Greg Mills, Olusegun Obasanjo, Jeffrey Herbst and Tendai Biti.

Join Richard Sutton for the launch of his new book The Stress Code at Exclusive Books Hyde Park

Pan Macmillan and Exclusive Books invite you to the Johannesburg launch of The Stress Code by Richard Sutton.

Zakes Mda’s brilliant new novel is The Zulus of New York – Joburg and Cape Town launch details here!

Zakes Mda’s new novel, The Zulus of New York, will be published by Umuzi in March 2019.