Book excerpts

Read an excerpt from Tom Hanks’s new novel, The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece!

Hold on to your popcorn, folks! Academy Award-winning actor and bestselling author Tom Hanks is back with a thrilling new book that takes you behind the scenes of the biggest superhero action film of all time.

[Video] Watch an animated excerpt from Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story by Bono, read by the author

Bono – artist, activist and the lead singer of Irish rock band U2 – has written his autobiography: honest and irreverent, intimate and profound, Surrender is the story of the remarkable life he’s lived, the challenges he’s faced and the friends and family who have shaped and sustained him.

‘It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so terrifying.’ Read an excerpt from Amazing Grace Adams – the fiercest debut of 2023

Penguin Random House has shared an excerpt from Amazing Grace Adams, Fran Littlewood’s tender, funny and unapologetic debut novel!

‘You are not welcome here, godkiller.’ Read an excerpt from Hannah Kaner’s dark, gritty fantasy debut Godkiller

Enter a land where all gods have been banned, and one young woman is paid to kill those who still hide in the shadows …

‘I’ve got a taste for revenge and quite frankly, I’m killing it.’ Listen to an excerpt from How to Kill Men and Get Away With It by Katy Brent

Katy Brent’s How to Kill Men and Get Away With It is a deliciously dark, hilariously twisted story about friendship, love, and murder.

Read an excerpt from The Cloisters by Katy Hays – a gripping debut that will keep you on the edge of your seat

Penguin Random House has shared an extract from The Cloisters, the sinister, atmospheric new novel by Katy Hays.

Three women. Five centuries. One secret. Listen to an excerpt from Emilia Hart’s Weyward, one of the biggest debuts of 2023

Listen to an excerpt from Weyward, Emilia Hart’s enthralling novel of female resilience and the transformative power of the natural world.

Gaan Libbi de Lange die keer haar tribe vind? Lees ’n uittreksel uit Kristel Loots se jongste roman, Die lang papawer

‘Natuurlik het Libbi de Lange – die langste meisie in die kontrei – nie self haar naam gekies nie …’ Lees ’n uittreksel uit Die lang papawer deur Kristel Loots!

‘What are you searching for, Michael? What have you lost?’ Read an extract from David Viviers’s debut novel Mirage

Penguin Random House SA has shared an excerpt from Mirage, the debut novel by David Viviers.

‘They circled the body in the snow’ – Read an extract from The Drift, the chilling new mystery by CJ Tudor

Three ordinary people risk everything for a chance at redemption in this audacious, utterly gripping novel of catastrophe and survival at the end of the world, from the acclaimed author of The Chalk Man.

Probeer hierdie gratis resep vir Ma Cliffie se soetpatats uit AleitApteit deur Aleit Swanepoel

AleitApteit is ’n pragkookboek gevul met die geliefde Aleit Swanepoel se gunsteling stories en resepte. Geniet hierdie smullekker resep vir soetpatats net soos Ma Cliffie dit gemaak het.

‘Ian is ’n liefdevolle pa’ … net jammer hy het twee families: Lees ’n uittreksel uit Uit die donker deur Santie van der Merwe

LAPA Uitgewers het ’n uittreksel gedeel uit Uit die donker deur Santie van der Merwe: Ian Strydom het twee gesinne … en ’n groot besluit wat hy nie meer kan uitstel nie.

‘Welkom in die Kom, hartlam’: Lees die eerste hoofstuk van Hans du Plessis se nuutste boek, Inkommers

Inkommers deur Hans du Plesis is ’n eietydse verhaal, ’n kroniek van die Afrikaners – die familie, nie die volk nie – wat al van die Groot Trek se dae af wydsbeen oor die vuil Vaal in die Vredefortkoepel boer.

‘It was definitely a skull … Was it human?’ Read an excerpt from A Deadly Covenant, the new thrilling mystery by Michael Stanley

Michael Stanley’s award-winning, international bestselling Detective Kubu series returns with another thrilling, chilling sequel: A Deadly Covenant – out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers!

Listen to an excerpt from How to Kill Your Family – a wickedly dark romp about class, family, love … and murder

They say you can’t choose your family. But you can kill them. How to Kill Your Family by Bella Mackie is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

‘Do people remember the exact moment they fall in love?’ – Listen to an excerpt from Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan

Award-winning and bestselling ‘powerhouse’ author Kennedy Ryan is at her absolute best in Before I Let Go, a compelling, scorching novel about hope and healing, and what it truly means to love for a lifetime (USA Today).

Lees ‘Skoeter’ deur Nanette van Rooyen en nog uittreksels uit Tyd is ’n b**ksem en ander belaglik lekker tekste deur Marieta Nel

Uittreksel uit Tyd is ’n b**ksem: ‘Dié Ronda-suster bel my skelm en dan skinder ons oor Ma totdat die hond kom kyk hoekom ek so histeries lag.’

Waarom woon Zia se familie ’n primitiewe lewe in die bos? Lees ’n uittreksel uit Uitverkies deur Noreen Nolte

In Uitverkies deur Noreen Nolte – die naaswenner van LAPA se Jeugromankompetisie in 2021 – is Zia moeg vir haar ouers se selfopgelegde isolasie in die bos. Lees nou die eerste hoofstuk!

‘On nights like these, sleep doesn’t come easily’: Read an extract from Fanie Viljoen’s latest book, Sacrifice to the Flies

Read a riveting excerpt from Sacrifice to the Flies by Fanie Viljoen, an award-winning YA novel set in a dystopian state!