Pwaangulongii Dauod wins Gerald Kraak Award for his essay ‘Africa’s future has no space for stupid black men’

Pwaangulongii Dauod has won the R25 000 Gerald Kraak Award, which honours African writing and photography that ‘provokes thought on the topics of gender, social justice and sexuality’.
Dauod won the award for his essay ‘Africa’s future has no space for stupid black men’, originally published in Granta 136: Legacies of Love in July 2016.
The Gerald Kraak Award was launched in 2016 by the Jacana Literary Foundation and the Other Foundation to honour the legacy of social justice and anti-apartheid activist Gerald Kraak (1956–2014). The twenty-two shortlisted entries are collected in an anthology, this year titled As You like It.
Categories Africa Fiction Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Awards Gerald Kraak Award Jacana Literary Foundation Jacana Media News Pwaangulongii Dauod The JRB