The Bosasa Billions


Get blown away by James-Brent Styan and Anneleigh Jacobsen at this year’s Blown Away by Books Festival in Cape Town (11-14 Mar)

Come and meet James-Brent Styan and Anneleigh Jacobsen at the Blown Away by Books Festival in Cape Town.


Het jy al jou kaartjies gekoop vir die US Woordfees 2020? Hier is al die LAPA skrywers om na uit te sien

Die US Woordfees vind plaas vanaf 5 tot 16 Maart 2020. Het jy al jou kaartjies gekoop? Hier is al die LAPA skrywers wat jy dié jaar op die fees kan raakloop.


Out now! The Bosasa Billions: How the ANC Sold its Soul for Braaipacks, Booze and Bags of Cash

The Bosasa Billions: How the ANC Sold its Soul for Braaipacks, Booze and Bags of Cash by James-Brent Styan and Paul Vecchiatto is out now from LAPA.


Corruption forces LAPA onto the streets – bust corruption by buying a book!

Very soon members of LAPA’s marketing team will be seen on street corners, urging fellow South Africans to bust corruption by buying a book.