[Video] Eminem, the Spice Girls, Emo, African funk and jazz – Rémy Ngamije shares the music behind his debut novel The Eternal Audience of One
BlackBird Books recently shared a video of Rwandan-born Namibian writer Rémy Ngamije talking about music, pop culture and his debut novel, The Eternal Audience of One.
[Video] ‘I would classify it as a comedy but there’s a tragic aspect to it’ – Rémy Ngamije introduces his debut novel The Eternal Audience of One
Rémy Ngamije chats about his new novel, The Eternal Audience of One.
Find your flow: Apply for the Short Story Day Africa 2018 Flow Writing Workshop in Kigali
Calling all writers in Rwanda! Apply today to attend the 2018 Hotel Africa Flow Workshop hosted by Goethe-Institut Kigali.