Richard Peirce


A story of survival – Richard Peirce investigates the sudden disappearance of great white sharks from Gansbaai in his book Orca

Its flourish of great whites is Gansbaai’s claim to fame, and a large part of its success, so when its shiver of sharks started to disappear, the small Western Cape town faced a conundrum. Shark conservationist and author of Orca, Richard Peirce, investigated the sudden retreat.


[Panel discussion] Pangolins Are People Too – Stories from humans living with anteaters (13 May)

Pangolins rescued from traffickers come in all shapes, sizes and states of health.


An exposé of the pangolin trade and Covid-19 – Pangolins: Scales of Injustice by Richard Peirce

Pangolins: Scales of Injustice by Richard Peirce will be launched on World Pangolin Day on 20 February 2021.


Pangolins: Scales of Injustice by Richard Peirce – a timely expose of the pangolin trade and Covid-19

Pangolins: Scales of Injustice by Richard Peirce is out now from Penguin Random House SA.


Join conservationist Richard Peirce for the launch of Orca: The Day the Great White Sharks Disappeared at Kalk Bay Books (31 Oct)

You are invited to the launch of Orca: The Day the Great White Sharks Disappeared, the thrilling new book by shark conservationist Richard Peirce.


Orca: The Day the Great White Sharks Disappeared – Richard Peirce explores what’s behind these strange events

Great white sharks vanish from Cape Town and no one knows why … or do we? Orca: The Day the Great White Sharks Disappeared is the thrilling new title by shark conservationist Richard Peirce.


Join author Richard Peirce for a book talk about Cuddle Me, Kill Me and the captive lion breeding industry

Penguin Random House and FGASA invite you to a talk about Cuddle Me, Kill Me: A True Account of South Africa’s Captive Lion Breeding and Canned Hunting Industry.