Plague Pox and Pandemics

How will we remember Covid-19? Join Howard Phillips to find out what previous outbreaks in South Africa tell us about pandemic memories (16 Mar)
Join Jacana Media, with author Emeritus Professor Howard Phillips, a specialist in the social history of medicine, especially in respect of pandemics, and Bhekisisa editor-in-chief Mia Malan on our Don’t Shut Up Conversation series as they try to use past pandemics in South Africa to illuminate the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Can World Health Organisation rules be applied to South Africa? Find out in 2 excellent Jacana Media ebooks – at 21% off
Understanding the history of pandemics in our region is as important as bringing the best minds to consider the regional and socioeconomic impact of the ‘flattening the curve’ rules in Africa.

Plague, Pox and Pandemics: A Jacana Pocket History of Epidemics in South Africa – a timely new book from Jacana Media
Plague, Pox and Pandemics: A Jacana Pocket History of Epidemics in South Africa by Howard Phillips will be published by Jacana Media in …