Celebrate research produced by Africans for African solutions with a free download of the new book Epidemics and the Health of African Nations

To celebrate Africa Day, MISTRA is offering free access to one its publications, Epidemics and the Health of African Nations.


Can World Health Organisation rules be applied to South Africa? Find out in 2 excellent Jacana Media ebooks – at 21% off

Understanding the history of pandemics in our region is as important as bringing the best minds to consider the regional and socioeconomic impact of the ‘flattening the curve’ rules in Africa.


Epidemics and the Health of African Nations – MISTRA’s latest publication probes possible solutions to the continent’s heavy burden of disease

Epidemics and the Health of African Nations – the latest publication from The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) – is out now.


Mbongiseni Buthelezi discusses the new book Traditional Leaders in a Democracy: Resources, Respect and Resistance

Mbongiseni Buthelezi sat down with Polity SA to discuss his new book Traditional Leaders in a Democracy: Resources, Respect and Resistance.


Traditional Leaders in a Democracy – exploring how chieftaincy is practised, experienced and contested in contemporary South Africa

Traditional Leaders in a Democracy: Resources, Respect and Resistance is out now from Jacana Media.