
New book alert! The Contemporary African Kitchen: Home Cooking Recipes from the Leading Chefs of Africa
The Contemporary African Kitchen: Home Cooking Recipes from the Leading Chefs of Africa is out now from Jonathan Ball Publishers!

Bederf jouself … Prop Carmen Niehaus se nuutste kookbook Lekker en goed vandag nog in jou kerskous!
Lekker & goed: Heerlike kos propvol heilsaamheid is Carmen Niehaus se nuutste kookbook nadat sy reeds meer as 20 kookboeke uitgegee het.

Kom reis en kook vir oulaas saam met Aleit Swanepoel in AleitApteit – nou beskikbaar by LAPA Uitgewers
AleitApteit is ’n boek gevul met stories van die geliefde Aleit Swanepoel… Kom beleef saam die nostalgie, sy spesiale menswees en die heerlike kos soos net hy dit kon maak.

Healthy meals on a budget? Get inspired with Armand’s Nude Food: 50 Banting and Keto Recipes
Armand is back, stripped all the way, as usual, with Armand’s Nude Food: 50 Banting and Keto Recipes!

Simple, healthy and delicious – try Joe Wicks’s Spicy Aubergine Spaghetti
Spicy Aubergine Spaghetti
Posted by Joe Wicks in Recipes