Always Another Country

New book alert! The Resurrection of Winnie Mandela by Sisonke Msimang will be published in October
The Resurrection of Winnie Mandela, the new book from Sisonke Msimang, will be out from Jonathan Ball Publishers on 24 October 2018.

Don’t miss Sisonke Msimang at Bridge Books Maboneng for a discussion of Always Another Country with Eusebius McKaiser
Jonathan Ball Publishers and Bridge Books Maboneng invite you to a book discussion with Sisonke Msimang and Eusebius McKaiser!

‘They do not smile or welcome us but they let us in’: Sisonke Msimang recalls returning home to South Africa
The Johannesburg Review of Books has shared an excerpt from Sisonke Msimang’s new book Always Another Country.

Interracial relationships, wokeness and the politics of black women: The Cheeky Natives chat to Sisonke Msimang
In her much anticipated memoir, Sisonke Msimang writes about her exile childhood in Zambia and Kenya, young adulthood and college years in North America, and returning to South Africa in the euphoric 1990s.

‘Writing as a craft is important to me’ – Sisonke Msimang chats to Eusebius McKaiser about Always Another Country
Eusebius McKaiser spoke to Sisonke Msimang about her first book, Always Another Country, on his 702 radio show.

Sisonke Msimang on the difficulty of writing about sexual assault in her new book Always Another Country
Sisonke Msimang’s much anticipated memoir, Always Another Country, was launched this week in South Africa.

Join Sisonke Msimang for a coffee morning at Love Books to launch Always Another Country
Literary rockstar Sisonke Msimang is in South Africa to launch her memoir, Always Another Country: A Memoir of Exile and Home.

Sisonke Msimang to launch Always Another Country at The Troyeville Hotel
Jonathan Ball Publishers and The Troyeville Hotel invite you to the launch of Always Another Country by Sisonke Msimang.

Don’t miss the launch of Sisonke Msimang’s hotly anticipated memoir Always Another Country
Exclusive Books and Jonathan Ball Publishers take great pleasure in inviting you to the launch of Sisonke Msimang’s hotly anticipated memoir Always Another Country.

Sisonke Msimang reveals the cover for her upcoming memoir, Always Another Country
Sisonke Msimang’s first book, a memoir titled Always Another Country, will be out from Jonathan Ball Publishers in October.

Sisonke Msimang on writing her memoir: ‘The dissonance between the SA of our dreams and the SA we have built’
Sisonke Msimang chatted to Heather Robertson of Nal’ibali recently about stories, activism, and her forthcoming memoir, Always Another Country.

‘If a story moves you, act on it’ – watch Sisonke Msimang’s TED Talk
Jonathan Ball Publishers recently won a fierce bidding battle for Sisonke Msimang’s memoir and first book, Always Another Country.

Jonathan Ball Publishers to publish Sisonke Msimang memoir
Jonathan Ball Publishers has won a fierce bidding battle for Sisonke Msimang’s memoir and first book, Always Another Country.