Join Tim Noakes and Marika Sboros for a LIVE Twitter chat on their new book, Lore of Nutrition!
More about the book!

What would you do if you discovered that the food you have been told is good for you is actually the cause of your ill health?
Join the conversation with Prof Tim Noakes and Marika Sboros during a Twitter chat this afternoon from 15:30-16:30.
The authors will be answering all of your questions LIVE!
Use the hashtag #loreofnutrition and send your questions to @PenguinBooksSA, @ProfTimNoakes, @TheNoakesF and @MarikaSboros
Click on the link above for more about Lore of Nutrition!
Categories Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Lore of Nutrition Marika Sboros Penguin Random House SA Tim Noakes Twitter