Jacana Literary Foundation reveals standout manuscripts from the third edition of From Pitch to Publication

Header image: Jeffrey Rakabe lands a publishing deal with Jacana Media for The Women Brought Books.
The Jacana Literary Foundation (JLF) has announced the standout manuscripts from the third season of From Pitch to Publication, an initiative aimed at providing a platform for emerging writers to showcase their work to industry professionals.
Hosted on 25 March 2024 at the Jacana Literary Foundation offices, From Pitch to Publication is likened to the publishing equivalent of Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den. It serves as a champion for unrecognised works, allowing hidden treasures to be unearthed.
A distinguished panel, comprising Sewela Langeni (author and founder of Book Circle Capital), Jennifer Platt (Sunday Times book editor), Griffin Shea (founder of Bridge Books and the African Book Trust), Dr Alma-Nalisha Cele (literary podcast co-founder and online book merchant), and Jacana Media’s publishing directors, Bridget Impey and Maggie Davey, provided invaluable feedback to each participant. This season, the JLF was captivated by 13 intriguing manuscripts, accompanied by a 10-minue, in-person pitch, each sparking lively discussions among the panel.
The Jacana Literary Foundation is delighted to announce that Michelle Kekana has been chosen for a three-month mentorship programme with esteemed journalist and author Rehana Rossouw. Rehana brings over 30 years of journalistic experience, holding positions at leading South African newspapers, including Business Day and the Mail & Guardian. She is the author of Predator Politics: Mabuza, Fred Daniel and the Great Land Scam and the novels, What Will People Say? and New Times. This mentorship will offer Michelle the opportunity to take her manuscript, The Fragile Mental Health of Strong Women, to the next level.
In addition, Jacana Media has offered Jeffrey Rakabe a publishing deal for The Women Brought Books. The narrative follows the journey of a young man who undergoes traditional male circumcision, viewing it as a rite of passage into manhood. However, he later discovers its potential link to gender-based violence against women in South Africa. Through reading and reflection, supported by the guidance of two influential women in his life, he uncovers the complex connections between initiation rituals and the widespread epidemic of gender-based violence. The young man ultimately advocates for gender interdependence.
The Jacana Literary Foundation is committed to nurturing emerging writers in South African literature, and From Pitch to Publication is a testament to its dedication to fostering literary excellence.
Do you believe you have what it takes to pitch your manuscript to the panel? Submit your manuscript through the From Pitch to Publication submission folder on the Jacana Media website, opening in September. All submissions will be reviewed for season five of the initiative, scheduled for 2025.
Categories Fiction Non-fiction South Africa