It’s been one helluva year – again – who better to make sense of it than Zapiro? Presenting Let the Sunshine In!

Jacana Media presents Zapiro’s 2018 annual: Let the Sunshine In!

It’s been one helluva year – again. We’ve seen Zuma resign as president, the DA go after its own people, Trump exercise his megalomania, the rise of racial tensions (as well as the petrol price) and tempers being flared. All while the Guptas fled the Saxonwold Shebeen.

Who better to make sense of this than Zapiro, political analyst, cartoonist and agent provocateur? He has the ability to knock the air out of us, to rock us back in our seats, to force us bolt upright with a 1000-watt jolt of electrifying shock. He makes us angry, he makes us laugh and he makes us think. He shines a light on the elephant in the room, presents the emperor in all his naked glory.

Impossible to brush off, he is determined to provoke a response. When all around is crumbling, when fake news and zipped lips conceal the truth, Zapiro comes to the rescue. With the dissecting eye of a surgeon, the rapier-like point of his pen exposes flimflam, and reveals with a single line what lies behind the action.

About the author

Zapiro is Jonathan Shapiro. Born in 1958, he went through architecture at UCT, conscription, activism, detention and a Fulbright scholarship to New York before establishing himself as South Africa’s best-known cartoonist. He works as the editorial cartoonist for Daily Maverick. Previously, he was editorial cartoonist for The Sunday Times (1998–2018), Mail & Guardian (1994–2016),  The Times (2009–2016), Sowetan (1994–2005), Cape Argus (1996–1997), and Cape Times, The Star, The Mercury and Pretoria News (2005–2008). He has published 22 bestselling annuals as well as The Mandela FilesVuvuzela Nation (a collection of his sporting cartoons) and Democrazy (a collection of his cartoons spanning the 20 years of democracy).

Categories Non-fiction South Africa South African Current Affairs

Tags Jacana Media Let the Sunshine In New books New releases Zapiro

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