‘I too am but a visitor to Cape Town’ – Listen to Jamil F Khan reading from his new book Khamr: The Makings of a Waterslams
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The Cheeky Natives have shared a video of Jamil F Khan reading from his new book Khamr: The Makings of a Waterslams.

Khamr is now available as an ebook on various platforms.

The book is a must-read for its thought-provoking retelling of Khan’s childhood memories as well as for his scholarly prowess in analysing how he and his parents, especially his father, navigated their lives in Kraaifontein outside Cape Town.

‘When asked where I’m from, I hesitate to say Cape Town,’ Khan says. ‘Where I grew up, I could not see the outline of Table Mountain clearly, or smell the icy waft of the Atlantic Ocean. None of what people see when they imagine Cape Town was within my reach.’

He continues: ‘I too am but a visitor to Cape Town, and it tolerates me for only as long as is necessary.’

Listen to the excerpt:

Categories Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Book excerpts Book extracts Jacana Media Jamil F Khan Khamr Khamr: The Makings of a Waterslams

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