Get your hands on a signed copy of Sweat Scale $ell and ask author Pavlo Phitidis your specific questions in Cape Town (3 Mar)
Pan Macmillan and Aurik Business Accelerator invite you to join business growth expert Pavlo Phitidis as he unpacks some of the stories and insights from his book Sweat Scale $ell.
‘A critical read for anyone crazy enough to run their own business.’ – Bruce Whitfield
The book has received great feedback from business owners and entrepreneurs who are finding it entertaining, relevant, very practical and actionable – it has already gone into its second print run!
This is a great opportunity to get your hands on a signed copy and ask the author your specific questions.
Limited capacity – reserve a space and confirm your details to attend.
Event details
Date: Tuesday 3 March 2020
Time: 18:00
Venue: Exclusive Books Cavendish, Cavendish Square, Cape Town
Facebook event
Posted by Aurik Business Accelerator on Tuesday, February 11, 2020
About the author
Phitidis is the resident entrepreneurial and business growth content contributor for Radio 702 and CapeTalk, the presenter and host of The Growth Engines for Business Day TV, as well as a speaker at both local and international business conferences. As co-founder of Aurik, he has worked with over 2 000 established businesses across most sectors in the economy, from family businesses to partnerships to sole business owners.
Phitidis has over 20 years of direct experience in conceptualising, starting up and developing businesses. Through a combination of company start-ups, turnarounds, sales and acquisitions for JSE-listings, he has brought to market business assets worth over $300m.
This hard-earned experience provided him with a beginning-to-end view on the business building process, from start-up to sale.
Using his hands-on experience, business capabilities and relationship networks, he supports the growth of business owners through Aurik Business Accelerator which he co-founded in 2001. He has built over 400 early-stage and growth-stage businesses into Assets of Value.
Phitidis is a regular media commentator on matters of business growth and entrepreneurship, he speaks and presents to audiences across sectors.
About the book
Sweat, Scale, $ell shares real business-building stories about how ordinary business owners took charge of their fate using the Asset of Value™ method.
94.6% of businesses started never get sold. Yet, there are only two destinations for every business: sale or closure! Businesses close at an enormous cost to the owner, their family, their staff, suppliers and customers. You’ve got to build to $ell. Sweat, Scale, $ell shares real business-building stories about how ordinary business owners took charge of their fate using the Asset of Value™ method. With Pavlo Phitidis, they Sweated to reshape their business to be relevant to a changing world; they built a solid foundation for Scale; and then they pressed hard to ramp up growth in preparation for $ale to create a business any buyer would want.
Phitidis draws on 25 years of direct experience in conceptualising and building businesses across four continents. Having started, built and sold 12 businesses generating in excess of $300m, he founded the Asset of Value™ method, a practical approach to build a winning business. Sweat, Scale, $ell is audaciously optimistic as it shows every business owner and entrepreneur where to find growth in a no-growth economy, make an impact and secure big returns. Here are extracts to help you in the journey to creating your wealth-generating asset starts.
Categories Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Book events Book launches Cape Town Exclusive Books Pan Macmillan SA Pavlo Phitidis Sweat Scale $ell