Footnotes, January 2020: Book links from around the web

At The Reading List, we’re trainspotters when it comes to interesting book links, and here are a number that caught our eye over the festive season. Browse and enjoy!
- Hey, at last, here’s a South African review of Edward Snowdon‘s Permanent Record. Nice.
- You also gotta read this review by Mark Gevisser on Marguerite Poland‘s new novel, A Sin of Ommission.
- Did you see The Johannesburg Review of Books‘ top 10 articles of 2019?
- There’s an ongoing bunfight among romance writers in the U S of A. It’s summarised well here; and the latest is here.
- Welp, they went and opened TS Eliot‘s letters to Emily Hale. And, turns out TS Eliot had something to say about that. Dueling archives!
- Here’s a 2020 literary calendar that’s exhaustingly exhaustive.
- Hey look, it’s a new short story by Ivan Vladislavic.
Finally, someone has used the term ‘Uncanny valley’ as the title of their memoir about working for San Francisco startups.
Categories Africa Fiction International Non-fiction
Tags 2019 2020 A Sin of Omission Edward Snowden Emily Hale Footnotes Johannesburg Review of Books Literary Calendar Marguerite Mark Gevisser Romance Writers of America Top 10 Articles TS Eliot Uncanny Valley