Don’t miss the launch of UCT Under Apartheid by Howard Phillips, part of UCT’s Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series (12 Feb)
 More about the book!

Alumni and friends of the University of Cape Town are invited to a campus book launch of UCT Under Apartheid: From Onset to Sit-in, 1948–1968, written by retired UCT academic Howard Phillips.

The event forms part of the university’s Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series.

Emeritus Professor Howard Phillips is a UCT and University of London alumnus. He lectured in the Department of Historical Studies and the Department of Public Health from 1974 to 2014. He will be introduced by Dr Bodhisattva Kar, Head of Department of Historical Studies at UCT.

A question and answer session will follow the talk.

Drawing on an extensive array of sources – written, oral and visual – this richly illustrated volume provides a rounded social, intellectual, educational, cultural and political history of one of Africa’s foremost universities during the first phase of apartheid.

The book puts a spotlight on its leaders, lecturers and learners, but its wide focus takes in many other dimensions of this heterogeneous institution’s history too – teaching and research, social, cultural and sporting life and its chequered relationship with the apartheid state, ranging from formal opposition and protest and students’ growing defiance culminating in the sit-in of 1968, to ambivalence and willing collaboration.

UCT Under Apartheid is published by Jacana Media and will be available for purchase at this event for R300.

Event details

Date: Wednesday 12 February 2020
Time: 17h30 for 18h00
Venue: Centre for African Studies Gallery, Level 2, Harry Oppenheimer Institute Building, Engineering Mall Rd, UCT Upper Campus, Rondebosch, Cape Town
RSVP: By Thursday 6 February to kelly@jacana.co.za



Categories Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Bodhisattva Kar Book events Book launches Cape Town Howard Phillips Jacana Media UCT Under Apartheid University of Cape Town

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