Don’t miss the launch of Living Shores: Interacting with Southern Africa’s Marine Ecosystems in Gansbaai
More about the book!
Marine Dynamics and Penguin Random House invite you to the launch of Living Shores: Interacting with Southern Africa’s Marine Ecosystems.
Join authors George and Margo Branch as they discuss the newly revised and reworked edition of this well-loved publication on southern African oceans and coasts. Hear about the many spectacular discoveries and new developments that have emerged over the last four decades.
Click on the link above for more about the book!
Please RSVP to Anwynn at or 060 971 0547.
Sherry on arrival, soup and bread will be served.
There will be a raffle to win an Ocean-themed book hamper from Struik Nature. Raffle tickets will be R20. All proceeds go to the Dyer Island Conservation Trust.
The Dyer Island Conservation Trust delivers unique conservation and research programmes in the fragile and critically important marine eco-system at the southern-most tip of Africa. NPO 052-024
Categories Non-fiction South Africa
Tags Book events Book launches George Branch Living Shores Margo Branch Penguin Random House SA Struik Nature