Don’t miss the launch of Beyond Bitcoin by Steven Boykey Sidley and Simon Dingle at Exclusive Books V and A Waterfront (3 Mar)

Jonathan Ball Publishers and Exclusive Books invite you to the launch of Beyond Bitcoin: Decentralised Finance and the End of Banks by Steven Boykey Sidley and Simon Dingle.

After over a decade of Bitcoin, which has now moved beyond lore and hype into an increasingly robust star in the firmament of global assets, a new and more important question has arisen. What happens beyond Bitcoin? The answer is decentralised finance – ‘DeFi’.

Tech and finance experts Sidley and Dingle argue that DeFi – which enables all manner of financial transactions to take place directly, person to person, without the involvement of financial institutions – will redesign the cogs and wheels in the engines of trust, and make the remarkable rise of Bitcoin look quaint by comparison. It will disrupt and displace fine and respectable companies, if not entire industries.

Sidley and Dingle explain how DeFi works, introduce the organisations and individuals that comprise the new industry, and identify the likely winners and losers in the coming revolution.

Event details

Date: Thursday 3 March 2022
Time: 18:00
Venue: Exclusive Books V and A Waterfront
RSVP: events@exclusivebooks.co.za
Facebook event

Categories Non-fiction South Africa

Tags Beyond Bitcoin Book events Book launches Cape Town Exclusive Books Jonathan Ball Publishers Simon Dingle Steven Boykey Sidley

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