Arrested By His Love by Khanyisile Madlala
More about the book!

A non-fiction page turner, Arrested By His Love is an inspirational memoir of self discovery, finding your life purpose, fulfilling destiny and walking in victory amid adversary.
‘Let your arrest open your door to freedom and a life of purpose.’ – Khanyisile Madlala. Author. Life Coach. Public Speaker
Here is an honest true story of a girl’s journey who, just like anyone else, has been arrested variously in life: She has done mistakes, succeeded and lost, loved and heart-broken, destiny almost twisted by people she trusted through witchcraft and sorcery but still standing, deemed mentally disturbed but penned this piece of work down, literally arrested but survived through it all.
Secret: There is always a hand of the heavenly Father in every arrest of your life. A king can be born from being sold to the foreign land as a slave, and imprisonment. From all various arrests I have been through, I realised that there is no love great enough to embrace you while you are down and out, done and dusted, bewitched and your future distorted than the love of your heavenly Father.
If you spot His love during your chaos, you realise that life is not too bad after all.
Please join me on my epic journey with a series of my encounters of arrests in my life and how the hand of God came to my rescue.
Categories Africa International Lifestyle Non-fiction South Africa South African Current Affairs