African Small Publishers Catalogue 2021: Opportunity for publishers, freelancers and small businesses

Modjaji Books is happy to announce that a new edition (the fifth) of the African Small Publishers’ Catalogue is in production and will be available in July 2021.
If you are a small or independent publisher in Africa and would like to be listed in the 2021 edition, you can contact us at
The catalogue reaches important people and players in the book world both locally and internationally. It’s a way of making your company more visible and thus more likely to be offered opportunities that you didn’t even know existed.
There is also place for editors, proofreaders, audiobooks, specialist libraries, booksellers, printers, and others who want to either be included in the classified ads or larger adverts to participate. You can email for more information.
You can also take out advertising as a way of supporting this project, email us for the rate card. The deadline for receiving all new listings is the end of March 2021.
Categories Africa International Non-fiction South Africa