Salman Rushdie

An epic tale with a message for us all: our power is fleeting, but our stories last forever. This is Salman Rushdie at his best.

Salman Rushdie’s triumphant return to literature, Victory City, is out now from Penguin Random House!

Read an excerpt from Quichotte, the epic new novel from the Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie’s incredible Booker Prize-shortlisted new novel, Quichotte, is now available.

Golden Man Booker Prize launched to find the best ever Booker Prize-winning novel

All 51 previous winners of the Man Booker Prize will compete for a once-off ‘Golden’ Man Booker Prize this year.

Salman Rushdie owns up to the classic book he’s never read

Salman Rushdie admits that there is at least one famous, big book he hasn’t read …