How to Be a Revolutionary

‘It isn’t always advisable to write things which are better left unsaid’ – Five minutes with CA Davids

How to Be a Revolutionary was recently awarded the 2023 Sunday Times Fiction Prize. The Penguin Post asked the author, CA Davids, some questions on her novel and the win.

Don’t miss the launch of CA Davids’s new novel How to Be a Revolutionary at Love Books (20 May)

Penguin Random House and Love Books invite you to the launch of How to Be a Revolutionary by CA Davids.

One minute with CA Davids – find out more about her new novel How to Be a Revolutionary

Making up letters and living through revolution, CA Davids’s new novel How to Be a Revolutionary will have you ready to discover new countries and cultures.

How to Be a Revolutionary – CA Davids’s extraordinary, ambitious, globe-spanning novel about what we owe our consciences

CA Davids’s new novel How to Be a Revolutionary is out now from Penguin Random House.