Evelyn Groenink

Watch now! Daily Maverick webinar with The Unlikely Mr Rogue, Ivan Pillay, and author Evelyn Groenink
Video: In a Daily Maverick webinar on Wednesday, 9 December, Ivan Pillay and Evelyn Groenink, a journalist and his partner of 30 years, spoke to Ferial Haffajee about how the SARS ‘rogue unit’ accusations have affected their lives.

Don’t Shut Up Jacana Conversation: The Unlikely Mr Rogue book launch (26 Nov)
Join Jacana Media for the launch of The Unlikely Mr Rogue: A Life with Ivan Pillay by Evelyn Groenink.

Evelyn Groenink discusses her new book Incorruptible: The story of the murders of Dulcie September, Anton Lubowski and Chris Hani
One of the most explosive revelations in this book concerns the murder of Chris Hani, 25 years ago. Groenink reveals how the police buried evidence from no less than three witnesses who saw another murderer besides Janusz Waluś; and how the state’s ‘brave’ star eyewitness in all likelihood hadn’t even been there when Hani was shot.