Book sales

Queer and Black, See and Be Seen
Jacana Media is celebrating Pride Month with 50% off these two books!

A Bend in the River: 50% off two uncommonly beautiful stories, courtesy of Jacana Media
When not working on environmental matters, author Vernon RL Head is either designing buildings or travelling the world looking for rare birds. …

It’s another beautiful day to shop the Jacana Birthday Sale – 50% off all books!
Jacana Media is celebrating 20 years of independent publishing with a 50% off sitewide sale!

Celebrate Frantz Fanon’s birthday with 30% off Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revolutionary Humanism
Today is the birthday of Frantz Fanon, psychiatrist, revolutionary, and one of the leading anticolonial thinkers of our time.

Book clubs, get excited! Jacana Media is offering a 50% discount for Africa Month
Book clubs – passion pays off! Jacana Media is celebrating Africa Month, and celebrating you.

10 entirely African essential reads for Africa Month, from Jacana Media – 30% off
Get 30% discount off the retail price, and free delivery within South Africa, on these 10 Africa Month reads, from Jacana Media.

Don’t miss the Jacana People’s Book Sale – 50% off all books, for 2 days only!
The Jacana Media People’s Book Sale is happening now!

Celebrate Heritage Month with these great local fiction titles, available from The Book Lounge for just R99 each
Celebrate Heritage Month with these great local fiction titles from Vanessa Raphaely, Nthikeng Mohlele, Fiona Snyckers and Craig Higginson!

Don’t miss the Jacana People’s Book Sale in Cape Town – 3 days only, thousands of books, cheap as chips
Cape Town bookworms – get your coins ready! Jacana Media is heading your way with The Jacana People’s Book Sale!