
Bitcoin Billionaires

‘Either the next big thing or total bulls–t’: Read how the Winklevoss brothers got over losing Facebook in Bitcoin Billionaires

From Ben Mezrich comes Bitcoin Billionaires – the fascinating story of brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss’s big bet on cryptocurrency and its dazzling pay-off.


Save the date: Mpho Dagada on Bitcoin and growing your wealth

Jacana Media presents Mpho Dagada, a young, self-made millionaire who in his memoir, Mr Bitcoin: How I Became a Millionaire at 21, shares his story of triumph and failure.


Mr Bitcoin: How I Became a Millionaire at 21 – Mpho Dagada tells his story

Jacana Media presents Mpho Dagada, a young, self-made millionaire who in his memoir, Mr Bitcoin: How I became a millionaire at 21, shares his story of triumph and failure.