Zee Tees Off by Trevor Davies
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Post-apartheid South Africa seen through the eyes of 15-year-old, golf-mad Zee.

Its Cape Town in 2003 and Zee’s mum tragically dies. The fight for custody is vicious between her dad and aunt. Zee has limited agency as a child, and this threatens her dream that, one day, she’ll be the best golfer in the world.

There’s still racism all around. Hundreds die every day through HIV & Aids, Gender-Based Violence and child abuse are endemic. Corrupt politicians rule the day. Gangs rule the night.

Zee’s teen years mirror South Africa’s post-apartheid growing pains. Zee must learn to love what’s good is in herself and others – and change that which isn’t.

A book about bravery, optimism and hope in the face of loss – even if, along the way, the journey is hard. Zee’s attitude looks set to be the most important club in her bag.

It will be tough, but can a girl from the grimy, dusty township wish for a better playground? Honestly?

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